I have an idea for the summer to share that in a paradoxical way is very suitable for global distribution in communities busy with resisting the globalist vandalism.
There is a folklore festival going on right across the street in front of the hotel I am currently staying at. It has local dancers with a proud display of their skills and national as well as elaborate regional identity, guest dance groups from many close as well as faraway countries, and lots and lots of spectators. No tickets are being sold, instead the event has been made accessible to everyone taking a stroll in the park. What I can tell you in a nutshell is that it creates a very suitable atmosphere of respect for values like freedom, national identity, sovereignty, mutual respect and other useful practical considerations for the globalist barbarians to keep in mind and behave. Events like this might even help the youth lost in the official BS spectrum in some countries become familiar enough with the concept of biological sex nowadays, I guess. A friendly police team wearing very modest uniforms is operating as if in the background, which neatly mixes with the overall spirit so far professionally. No place for globalist bullying activists, really, which sets tone far beyond the end of this event, I can imagine.
Such an initiative of the Georgian cultural activists who have their political elite on so short tether as to put the US embassy and their satellite camps of neobarbarian warmongering and bullying activists lovingly, but firmly in their place on their stay in Georgia, surely helps contain the emerging yoke of the totalitarian war and homelessness enthusiasts in their effort to cling to power on a global scale. I recommend to similarly keep a sharp eye on the developments in other societies, on the local governments after the elections, on the behavior of the police while doing their work, and on those who consider themselves to be the elite of the country for some reason in such a way that they never lag behind while in power doing their fair share of efforts organizing such important public performances in your region. It can well be done as you can see, even nowadays, so let’s expand this healthy cultural vibe to Estonia and westward instead of letting the stupid massacre in Ukraine expand.
Embarrassingly, I recently found our puppet hijacker “foreign minister” in Estonia specialized in selling independence and in hijacking the state executive power Margus Tsahkna in the press among other corrupt and arrogant politicians who obviously work for the globalist bullying terrorists trying to organize color revolutions and dictate the Georgians how to change living in their homeland basically, one disrespectful way or the other (pick a side and forget about your own culture, in other words), so it’s high time for comments now from people sharing personal experiences similar to mine. I strongly feel that creepy traitor puppets like Tsahkna should analyze the meaning of phrases like “digital transformation”, “the future the people of Georgia have chosen”, the birth rate of less than 1.4 and decreasing of our own country (compare it with 2.1 which is the birth rate needed to keep the current population), the selfish and treacherous selling of all the independence there is of our people to a hostile satanic totalitarian regime lurking around in the form of a gigantic spread of the Euroslut mentality, i.e. a trap being implemented by the masonic bitch mode feminists for the last 30 years or so in our country, characterized by the dictatorship of the ruling idea of vague “success” that everyone secretly has to obey, being ideologically loaded at will by the ruling gangsters, and meaning among other things the brutal hijacking of independent socially and professionally successful enterprises that don’t obey the LGBT kidnapping agenda and other “innovation” of that nature disintegrating our society, organized by foreign secret services and translating into our people having become a minority in our capital and probably in our homeland on the average already, the canceling of people for pathological fun having become a national sport of those among us loyal to these new occupants, and other sneaky arrogant vocabulary and the accompanying facts more honestly and elaborately in the public or shut up and stop manipulating with the public opinion to set hidden underlying traps designed for the unsuspecting friendly local people to lose their independence and national security, and recommending it in a commanding way to whole other national cultures, especially when finding himself in the role of a well-treated guest and traveling abroad as a representative of my country. It is a much better idea to grow up and develop some character before becoming a foreign minister or at least learn a few basic manners before copying the walk of a useful idiot pushing our societies with a perfect face towards selling everything:
I know the Georgian people who wear their heart on their sleeve as they describe it pretty well by now, and I am sure they value their independence and their religion much more than the lurking tyranny injected by the Western secret services & co into the roots of all the societies that they are willing to dominate worldwide like they’ve to a large extent unfortunately succeeded in doing in Estonia already where the situation has been so bad for more than 5 years that I can’t physically live in my homeland anymore because of all the high-tech political bullying carried out by the neocolonizers of our land that in many parts of the world tend to be of masonic stripe these days, seeking to enslave our people and rob us of our rare earths and other natural resources which by the way should never be mined due to the irreversible ecological disasters brought upon our picturesque nature and the destruction of our basic living conditions that it implies. All of this is a piece of cake for the bribed NGOs and the brutally selected thugs in the power structures loyal to the commanding tyrant, however, financed by a gang of international financial terrorists willing to pervert the institution of marriage and the family as well as our respect for nature in order to be able to carry out all the robbery and destruction in the resultant chaos they have obviously long been planning for.
In other words, the Georgians are an independent people so far whose religion protects them from following the footsteps of many others who have become a lonely mass of dishonest and creepy slaves of the “elite” of a neobarbarian world “order” despised due to their poor soul health by everybody. I wish we had something similar for the dummies in Estonia in place before they learn to use their brains properly someday, hopefully. And regarding the way the Georgians live in their own country, no American, Russian or other military superpower is going to change it as the long history full of suffering of this small, but stubborn people suggests. As there is a continued stream of news about new alarming cases (fabricated charges were exactly the tactic characteristic of obvious thugs chosen after more than 15 years of the unsuccessful introductory bullying in my case, too) from nearby countries in addition to my own personal experiences in Estonia which belongs to the same post-Soviet bloc of countries like Moldova, Georgia and other embarrassingly suitable Euromaidan targets if not warned against and reacted to appropriately, our non-democratically elected foreign minister and the other puppet gangsters will surely fail in hijacking political power in Georgia unlike what has happened in my country. Anyway, my story will be up on the web soon, hopefully it won’t disappear like the one by the above mentioned and apparently honest and otherwise respectable dissident from Moldova, and we’ll eventually drive the hijackers of public space out of power in the post-Soviet gangster space that wasn’t properly dealt with after the collapse of the Soviet regime.
The local cultural activists organize the folklore festival every year in my current place of stay. You are welcome to get a glimpse of this event a year ago to end this post:
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