Hi all independent minds on Substack,
My name is Andres and based on my personal experience, I am a strong advocate for worldwide mass resistance against the abuse of administrative power which is pretty much a synonym for the fight against the so-called great reset, fighting robots and suchlike.
I never intended to start writing on Substack, but my recent experiences here made my head ache and write this post as a few words of warning for those of you lacking adequate practical experience. Here is what I have discovered on Substack to my big surprise:
two camps of current globalist tyranny (abuse of administrative power, to be exact) resisters have emerged with fundamental differences in how they try to achieve their common goal of driving the tyrants out of power with these differences sharply working against each other in practice while both trying to achieve the same goal;
the religiously minded camp with ostrich mentality in my opinion is being in a way too lazy and selfish “in this life” as they put it, i.e. in our everyday practice where in an often irresponsible pursuit of joy they generate massive frustration for the other camp willing to drive the tyrants out of power now by not recognizing or simply not caring about what is going on behind the curtains where the same thugs who are distorting (suppressing and hijacking) information in order to steal our basic rights and freedoms in a particular context that we have with substantial effort finally succeeded in bringing to light are doing it in many other contexts we usually don’t have the slightest idea of, so allowing the tyrants to progress with pretexts like “that is the complexity of life” is an act of carelessness amplified by cowardice, to be honest;
as a result of such attitude problems the common sense minded camp now has an extremely nasty additional problem to solve – stupidity and/or dishonesty (I don’t know which one, but it doesn’t matter much) on top of the original problem dictating to be demonstrated who and how is letting the so-called peasants down, this way taking the focus off the main problem to be solved and giving the tyrants ample ground to proceed with their agenda by e.g. installing Trojan ideas like “Cuomo the hero you should know“ in the minds of the lazybones (in order to avoid saying “with not so good intentions“) camp and their followers and thereby pitting these camps against each other on commanding ethical grounds like omitting key context in a PR fashion for a wide audience if compared to the same information not presented through the lens of a bunch of sneaky half-truths;
as the topic of bitch mode feminism seems to be considered taboo in the religiously minded camp whose stupidities have been left without due attention and analysis wandering in the High Heavens of wokeness basically, which is a major security hole in the context of trying to prevent tyranny from being imposed worldwide, rendering all the good ideas behind our efforts pointless as the amount of stupidity that crawls out of such a wellhead naturally is just too much for even a solid team of determined fighters for a return to normal to handle properly, any efforts to co-operate with such a camp are easily going to result in corrupt dead-end activism in the fashion of the example presented above.
It is easy to see that there is a really bad divide developing among the resisters of the abuse of administrative power including those who only pretend to be resisters, so I have a message to both camps: keeping the tyrants honest is a very tough task and we really need to get into the habit of respecting the value of each other’s contributions within our wide variety of respective communities to counter these abusers here and now or else we’ll have no ground, we’ll be expressing our deep disrespect for each other’s approaches endlessly or not co-operating at all and there is no way we can achieve our common goal of driving the abusers and their Trojans out of power. To be precise here, systematically undermining the work of your fellow fighters is clearly abusive, too. Hence, the COVID-19 circus managers and similar perpetrators shall be firmly held in contempt by the society and we really can’t allow Cheburashka (or Barbie Girl if you don’t know this cartoon from the ending stages of the Soviet Union) style fooling around in the world of adults to help cover up their crimes... And someone’s afterlife preferences or whatever other embarrassing excuses for such vandalism some of us can come up with are clearly BS in this context, alright? If my summary sounds too complicated then listen to these words over and over and over again until you finally hit the meaning:
John Trudell about the beast we are dealing with
My advice is to avoid making very costly mistakes as described by this exceptionally experienced elder and illustrated with the restacks following this post. Let these restacks tell the rest of this post so I don’t have to make it any longer. I also tend to be too busy to reply to any comments, sorry, but if something really, really important in your feedback shows up, I’ll probably be there at some point of time to respond in a meaningful way when I am not in a hurry.
To sum it up, well, we obviously won’t be thriving in corrupt joyous poison, so good luck with a more meaningful fight against the abuse of administrative power, robots or whatever you prefer to call the beast we are confronted with by taking responsibility for not co-operating with the abusers and this way undermining the efforts of our fellow fighters sharing the same values or at least the common goal of protecting our basic rights and freedoms that have become of unprecedented concern during the ongoing scamdemics, wars and so forth.
Trying to find enough time to keep a hawk eye on where it matters the most,
P.S. If you found this information useful and are in a position to do so then you are very welcome to support my activities in the direction described in this post and on the following website under construction that I am currently developing:
Although this website is partly outdated already – sorry for that – the donations bank account won’t change and other information will be updated at the beginning of June 2024 most probably. Sufficient support would allow me to spend time on these topics for the rest of this year at least instead of IT tasks taking up all my computer time for a potentially very long period. Thanks for your attention.
A comment from Andres: I’ve got the impression that Substack might be suitable for breaking important messages through to communities globally and recommending it to reasonable people around, so I am giving it a try now.