Contextualizing the lurking dominator screams of a heartspeak pro on an expensive road to co-op failure, part 2
including an uncomfortable physical world view comparison of the abuse machines of the patronizing masonry and the disgruntled toddler mode feminism
Let's start by extending my previous post with some additional useful analogies from the game of tennis on how to drive your opponents out of their comfort zone.
The practice of maintaining a reasonable balance between the obvious opposite extremes of a "pusher" and a "banger" is called "percentage play" in tennis. In percentage play, you carefully select the moment when you turn your defense into attack. Easier said than done, you need a lot of consistency and homework done beforehand in order to be able to convert, so being all too lax with attributing meaning to your words in an incoherent manner over time is a serious blocker to success here. You can watch Dr. Peter McCullough give his opponent an excellent lesson in percentage play here:
Grant Stinchfield exposes Dr. Fauci as a tyrant
[34.32-39.10 // the video clip feature doesn’t work anymore – please fix it, dev team]
The only relevant advice I can add to this outstanding counter-canceling attack is that for people who simply don't care and keep destroying the lives of other people just because they can and in one way or another get paid for it, additional counter-canceling like not servicing these thugs anywhere in global peasant public space would be a more reliably working solution to stop the mayhem. It is called "presence" in tennis and it took a long time for e.g. the winner of 3 of the last 6 Grand Slam titles currently to master before it finally clicked properly with him with the help of an additional coach. The short co-operation between Becker and Djokovic was telling and we can learn from it. In southern Estonia, for example, where the American "troops" are currently raping local women and driving people out of their homes in order to build a military base aimed at "poking the bear" and wreaking havoc in my homeland having no chance of surviving an attack from an orders of magnitude larger neighbor, the local anti-apartheid activists used signs like "The "vaccinated" won't be serviced here" in the market during the scamdemics period in order to strike back at government thugs with black humor. We have had basically 2 coup d'états in Estonia during the last 4 years, so the US and British secret services apparently have put a lot of effort into wrapping our government around their fingers, and some EU officials have paid visits to dictate what laws may or may not be passed in the Riigikogu (the parliament of Estonia), so they can propagate apartheid among our people stronger to break our resistance. What is the meaning of an ally and what’s the exact opposite?
Regarding myself, well, I was born and spent my early childhood in the anti-stupidity minded southern Estonia, too, so with the help of hands-on experience from the guy interviewed above who described in detail how he saved his father from COVID-19 and later developed a protocol for common use on this basis, and a few other helpful video analyses on the mechanics of how ivermectin can be efficiently used against spike protein infections, I developed an "ivermectin certificate" for use in the tennis halls that I co-operate with when entrance to the halls for my community of players among others was blocked by government thugs in August 2021. This was accomplished with the help of a fresh defender of his Ph.D. in our community who just happened to get his degree from our university in early September 2021 and flew right home to Pakistan where ivermectin was still on sale for nothing, including an additional discount by the government, and he found a way to send us enough ivermectin for a year or two with his friends in a week or two already. Luckily these guys were not checked in any way as they arrived in Estonia, so we received everything that we had ordered and started taking ivermectin in the evenings before our tennis practices. I sent research papers to the tennis hall directors with evidence of the effectiveness of ivermectin and related protocols against the spike protein, demanding that any government thugs willing to have a say in this matter send me reliable scientific evidence that their criminal experiments on fellow human beings worked better than ivermectin. Well, I got none during all these years, nor were we denied access to the tennis halls where I managed to establish our presence against the apartheid stupidities, so while many took jabs in order to keep their jobs, none of us had to take any jabs to be able to continue playing tennis with us. We are most grateful to Dr. McCullough, Kaari Saarma, Alar Aab and other pioneering experts in the research of the novel spike protein around the world who early on had independently found their way out of this scam and took the time to explain to everybody the scientific and medical details of the COVID-19 scam to provide a basis for efficient resistance.
It was convenient for me to organize resistance like that from abroad as being a guest in a very tourism-oriented country like Georgia includes somewhat of a special status, so the police didn’t want to bother me too much, but once they started patrolling the hotels for "vaccination" and a woman in a nearby house was jabbed to death, I picked up the topic, introduced Dr. Mattias Desmet’s research on mass formation that I had found in an article on a very useful world developments observation website, based on a Substack post by John Waters at that time, and asked the local people why they let their government abuse their police like Nazi mass murderers. Well, it took almost zero time for the police to stop patrolling our hotel, I didn’t hear of any more deaths nearby and the government soon started lifting all their criminal stupidities. I got the impression that my decisive and relentless display of presence played a vital role for many people here, but there were probably many other tyranny and stupidity resisters involved, too. Anyway, it worked and it helped. To wrap it up, I recommend all the naive peasants vegetating in their imaginary spiritual wonderlands to really work on their presence in this world if they at least have the initiative to try to protect their lives and work against the abuse of administrative power nowadays. If you lack imagination in this department then you should probably take a walk to the seaside and watch such an existential struggle live between the crows and the seagulls, for example. This is the level of primitivism where many masonic brotherhoods operate at, so you either block them actively and decisively, or get eaten up. Human being is a very interesting beast indeed, and embarrassingly enough, has not shown as a species any significant signs of change towards more peaceful co-existence yet.
Regarding faucism, well, the players who consistently call the ball out when it was in don't belong to a functioning tennis community or any other Fair Play association at all to start with, so this conflict has to be resolved outside of the community after the members have reached consensus to leave the player producing the headache in a, say, self-affirming solitude. Call it the Creator or not, it is up to the players to decide when enough is enough, and the solution usually needs additional earthly stimuli to show up in a respectful and meaningful way for everybody involved. In pro tennis you have umpires, but even then you might need to show character and do a lot of work to show the nasty souls the way out of tennis who never should have got hold of any match:
A more strategic way of counter-canceling the beast is approximately describing or defining the entry-level requirements of the community of problem membership to refer to as needed, but you surely can't do it with a vocabulary that is assigned meaning according to your personal preferences on an as-needed basis. This way you are simply going to lose trust and that's really bad for your community, making co-op practically impossible among other things, so being a stubborn spiritual headache who wants to get better, and better, and better, …, you should keep the meaning of words and expressions like "betray", "troll" and suchlike stable, comprehensible and reasonable outside of a wokish personal spiritual wonderland and not be surprised to find yourself playing the role of a puppy after having labeled people "techno-trolls" for no earthly reason and propagated this embarrassing case closed early thanks to the good will of your opponent on, and on, and on. By the end of the day we are dealing with the physical world after all and there is always someone responsible in the mirror to watch out for:
An equally important step towards keeping the administrative tyrants out of power is to fight the abundance of feminist robots programmed one way or another – a topic given zero attention in your "fight against robots" and probably part of the tyrant in the mirror, too, who likes to play with the meaning of her own words according to the personal preferences tailored to take. Do it my way doesn't always have to be an example of tyranny, and we can even find really good exceptions to the rule, so maybe "tyrant" is not always the best word to describe the situation. For example, I am very grateful to some givers whom I trusted in my childhood telling me to do it their way as they had way more experience than me at that time. That was largely the topic of my previous post about how to play a pusher, and not just in tennis. Maybe the following video will provide you with an idea or two about how not to program the feminist robots:
Notice the common player in these fields of decision-making as the last couple videos above suggest? This is why I put such an unreasonable amount of effort into keeping you and other useful female, well, potential canceling specialists honest. It seems that the Freemasons aren't the only group trying to corrupt the women their way in order to cling to their narrow power, yet eliminating relatively well-educated independent thinkers from public space serves the masons perfectly anyway, so the "masonic female mass formation" ("since we cannot get rid of women, let us corrupt them with the Church", as they put it) should really be at the center of our focus if a break from robots is what we want. Without this tool the masons would be just a bunch of helpless satanists not respected in our society, excluding their ability to drive the arrogant Catholic geometrical expansionists out of power who have been forced to a rather defensive position for a long time already. Putting our recent Substack ranting appropriately into context again:
Expressing my disappointment about betrayal basically;
A relatively stupid beer song by a relatively respectful joker – no problem with that;
Further distancing from the "idiots" as Timothy correctly outlined the problem;
Whining destructively about having to fight with the results of your own dishonesty and stupidity;
Whining relatively constructively about the movements of the stupid majority instead of being creative about pointing out viable solutions to those short of reasonable ideas (come on, you can elaborate on this!);
A physical world interpretation of all the whining, destructive and constructive – any comments or questions?
Zero comments or questions, but a disgruntled toddler whining about the mirroring of the pusher in action again;
Still not enough, need to make up and push "associative guilt" on an emotional basis again and just don't want to keep it simple and meaningful as I have suggested for a number of times already.
This leaves me with the question of whether to continue or not here as there is no point in swimming in circles, trying to sort out the best strategies for countering the abuse of administrative power when the meaning of your words isn't there or is distorted. Furthermore, some of your stupidities feed masonry. A couple examples of negligible differences of your take in this context from masonic satanism:
The masons try really hard from day one to sell or otherwise crush your soul in order to turn you into someone having a weak personality and lacking self-confidence in the future, i.e. usually a badly acting person in practice someday who is dependent on pre-thought thoughts and can easily be manipulated. I may confirm that it can get so bad that your spiritual trauma becomes physical trauma like the breakdown of your nervous system, asthma etc. In my case, for example, my grandparents got in the way of such spiritual traumatization in my childhood, so for me it feels natural now to be very thankful for this crucial timely help, and to respect and defend their traditional values in return as part of my own beliefs. On the other hand, the spiritual BS specialists seem to similarly try to make the people outside of their communities look (spiritually) inferior in front of the crowd if their dishonest BS that in fact has nothing to do with being spiritually sound is rejected. However, all the nice, well, cover-up public presentations can't change the feeling created by the persistent lies of trolling or betrayal, of course, and it is significant that the masonic violence and the spiritual stupidity of the apparently opposing movement share a common goal, so in the context of this goal the differences are negligible.
The Freemasons bait their members via "social elevation clubs" whereas spiritual BS specialists seem to prefer a "philosophy club" approach for spiritual elevation to promote their ideological stupidities among other, reasonable benefits for the members. And once again, as you eliminate the ideological BS, you start seeing strong similarities like the lurking urge to pivot to control and power or the need to find excuses for their cover-up stupidities. Consequently, it turns out that we have an optimization problem to solve instead of just picking one or the other of the opposing parties.
A couple examples of strong similarities in addition to a common goal:
the scapegoating and demonizing of those who don't buy into the core ideological BS, which can be done in notably subtle ways;
both parties are apparently control freaks aiming at indoctrinated female mass formation to control the crowd the way I defined it above (the search string "feminis*" is effectively a taboo on your website for fighting robots, which is quite a telling restriction to the credibility of your fight) as another efficient means for propagating their ideological BS and sucking appropriately conditioned (programmed to feel inferior or guilty, for example, the programming language being BS, of course) prey into their cult after tricking them into feeling inferior.
Considering these couple of negligible differences and strong similarities, I distance myself from both parties or cults as they look too similar. Why? Well, look in the mirror after you have put the most far-fetched of your theories in a meaningful context, keep Genesis playing in the background for an extra kick and figure it out... I'll provide a few keywords that were discussed above to speed it up and find a more reliable way of countering the abusers of administrative power: stupidity-indoctrinated female mass formation, as tough presence of resisters as needed, percentage play and by the end of the day the counter-canceling of all the vile hijacking and destruction oriented bitch mode feminists and higher-level perpetrators of the Neobarbarian World Order to protect our work, families and societies from ideological vandalism. In the long run our stupidity doesn't mix with our respect for free will, to be honest, and that’s exactly what masonry needs to turn into irreversible slavery. The inevitable truth exists despite all our stupidities, right?
That's how I see it. Regarding the details of the spiritual camp, let me be clear about what I consider to be stupidities or BS and what not. First of all, helping cover up crimes in any way is not just utterly stupid, but uncompromisingly unacceptable in my opinion, because it shows a lot of disrespect for the people who fight the tyrants and their courts, which should receive max public respect in any society where people truly understand what it takes and means to be a hero. On the other hand, learning from our scamdemics and apartheid experiences of the last 4 years in order to grow our souls is an excellent idea. No doubt we should fight the camp of the tyrants from a strong position, so a loving relationship with the world is natural for those not in that camp. Directing our energy wisely and healing pain obviously helps make our world a much better one, which surely is the way to go, but it doesn't mean that we are allowed do it in a stupid way for practical purposes. Our spiritual whole is definitely worth attention and protection, including its balance over generations, but it should not be pulled out of the context of the world that we have. And there are past events, of course, which prevent keeping our spiritual wonderlands in balance, so that makes sense, too. Containing the tyrant in the mirror, as you put it, is crucial, but how come you haven't written a word about bitch mode feminism and the corresponding stupidities in all these years? In circumstances like that, fighting robots doesn't make sense. Courtesy and emotional generosity are very important for communities and a well-functioning world, but not at the expense of urgencies not being handled first or propagating irresponsibility and other costly stupidities. The skill to listen to non-abusive people is important. Abusive talking specialists are an exception, of course – you shouldn't waste your time listening to such monkeying specialists, the way I understand it. We have lots of them at our university, unfortunately. And yes, they mostly do have a background in administration. Any public or private heartspeak, long and fluffy theories, narratives or directives induced by the consequences of your own faults, but addressed to everybody else are ad hoc BS under cover, obviously. And last, but not least – unlike your fairly reasonable and useful healing theories and practices, the repeating nosediving-oriented talking points have no match in my spiritual, physical or whatever world you can think of, so this is where you seem to be obsessed with your spiritual wonderland too much, which resonates with dishonesty, trolling like a pro on your side, making up guilt like an ideologically biased thug working for secret services, and suchlike in the physical world that we have in common, I should point out, and I really don't have any time nor motivation to discuss BS lacking a concrete honest basis. If I have misunderstood or overlooked anything, I’d be more than happy and thankful to be corrected.
The hypothesis of masonic feminism (bitch mode feminism in practice) as described by the bloody, but beautifully presented Catholic geometrical expansionist dominators described above appears to hold in an indirect manner for the ambitions of the spiritual BS specialists camp, too. It is a major player in our current context, and it seems that there are many interested parties competing for female brainwashing resources for building their own version of an Empire of Ignorance. It is easy to see that by the end of the day there is no difference for the little bricks in the wall who has conquered their minds – violence or stupidity – as the tyrant is the same. Exposing tyrants is exactly what we should do nowadays, but we should do so with responsibility and clarity, i.e. without witch hunt under cover, and pay a lot of attention to not turning into tyrants ourselves in the process. There are "exceptions" to the latter rule that have a common culprit which is stupidity, i.e. we really should be harsh in a reasonable way on the deliberate spreading of sheer and costly stupidity nowadays. A healthy sense of humor and an abundance of intelligent human public tolerance to cheer us on is what helps fight the real tyrants off.
Never do anything that you don't want to be mirrored back to you, especially if you prefer to play like a pusher;
Acting like a Freemason is definitely not something that the spiritualist camp, BS or not, should be proud of, so interpret all of the above as love in your Venus dialect and become a better person. Or if expressed in the Mars dialect, once again: "Too many people in this world make excuses for their problems. You take responsibility and try and do better next time. That's all." In other words, keep it simple as I've written in my previous posts/comments for a few times already. We don't need a permanent fuck-up as I would put it using your own words that apply to the spiritual BS specialists alike.
P.S. I have a question, too: could it be that we are witnessing a false flag operation here with spiritual BS specialists co-operating with masonry practitioners to eliminate any third players in the public opinions arena? This is the impression I get when you are not doing your spiritual thingy honestly, but abusing the surprisingly lax "applied meaning" of the entities in the domain of spirituality involved, crawling under the skin by "associatively incriminating" innocent people of trolling, betrayal and what not, and this way undermining the movement for keeping the nonfictional abusers of administrative power out of control. You seem to have a few reasonable honest people in your community who really think before they chat and keep the meaning of what is being discussed clear – I suggest that you listen to them more often. Those who just f around and see what happens won't help anyone in the long run, and in combination with the masonic bitch mode feminists pose a very real threat to all of us:
Now that I've equipped you with the concept of percentage play and pointed out a few key pitfalls, why not learn to play with responsibility like the pro interviewed above? And once you feel that you have overcome stupidities like co-operating with the thugs to help cover up the irresponsibility of criminals like Chris Cuomo and this way stopped wasting the time of people trying hard to act with integrity all the time, feel free to post me a comment and then let's see whether I have time for another session about how to concentrate our resistance potential on the same page for opposing the abuse of administrative power, which should be our common concern, I believe. It's not just about our resistance to transhumanism or to the hijacking of administration at our universities into utterly corrupt destructive hands by the same ideological abusers of other people (the "vampires" in your dialect) – the abuse of administrative power has no limits once we stop acting in a responsible manner and let the abusive minds push their agenda with impunity and infiltrate into our societies starting with the lives of all the dissidents to whom we owe many thanks and a lot of respect:
As the sense of impunity spreads among the secret service thugs in our crazy world of dealing with the dissidents resisting the abuse of administrative power with all the whistleblowers at e.g. our universities going brutally ignored, and as if such abuse of power wasn't bad enough yet, you can already sense the next and under such conditions a naturally growing threat of the same category lurking around the corner not in some distant and safe personal spiritual wonderland, but in this very world that we all need to coexist in:
Quoting some earlier linked tennis philosophies again that I deem crucial and not just in explicit extreme situations like the one we currently find ourselves in: "When you throw a racket you don't just disrespect the sport, you disrespect all the people who can't afford equipment." It follows in our current context that time is expensive and it is crucial not to interfere with the efforts of the people who directly deal with the abusers of administrative power, instead of coming up with stupidities like why our opinions are religions nowadays and other such careless whining in the context of huge efforts aimed at blocking such abuse. Why not try come up with some useful philosophies in practice instead, or bridge the gap between your catalogue of wonderful theories and a harsh and often very different reality? Returning to the topic of integrity again, it's time to grow up really. I mean no offense – just be reasonable and develop a reliable constructive mindset outside of your personal spiritual wonderland, too. Until then no co-operation to resist the abuse of administrative power in this concrete world and life obviously won't work out in a meaningful way.
To wrap this handshake session up on the positive side, however, let me conclude with the observation that despite the lack of meaning-making, your effort to improve seems to be there, and a sense of humor, too, which together with the creative interpretation of my responses give, well, hope. May it not be the type of hope that came out of Pandora's box! After having filtered all the BS out, the way I see it, I find the remainder of your spiritual tours and checks fairly useful and even applicable to the world that we have, including a few observations that I find useful to actively keep in mind that you've painted with quite some depth and rigor – thanks for that. In turn, it would be great, of course, as well as our further discussion enabling if my pointers of criticism somewhat helped clear up the semiotic mess on your side to bridge the gap between the world we live in and your personal spiritual wonderland. That's it for now and the end of our handshake session as I need to take a long break, too.