Head-on tackling of soul health problems: driving the rationalist vandals out of administrative positions
and a soul health rescue project draft for the Maltech tennis court

Please take a look at a short, but important foreword to this how-to series.
There are things that can be done only once… Hijacking the administration of the clay court at Tallinn University of Technology to destroy the long-term plans of the only person responding to the request for help of the university officials when the going was tough for the university as well as the unprecedented social value created on campus, from our community of students back into the severely abusive hands of the authoritarian university paid personnel, is clearly one of them.
The following soul health rescue project draft for the Maltech tennis court is based on my last post about the abuse of administrative power at Maltech.
The contract set forth by me and agreed with by everyone involved in 2002 thanks to which it has been possible to continue playing tennis on campus for the last 2+ decades, was simple and intuitive for those participating and self-explanatory for those having some personal experience with the paid administrative thugs scheming at the university sports club. Here is the contract from 2002 in its entirety which was so simple and straightforward for the rescue project that it wasn’t even written down, so I’ll do it now for clarity:
The university sports club or anyone else has no say in the administration of the university tennis court taken care of by our community of students and other eligible members at our university, the regulations being determined not by someone’s whim as before, but solely by the problems with court welfare and the working solutions for them developed at my responsibility (as nobody else was willing to take such a responsibility) as long as the court welfare has significantly improved compared to where it was in 2002 when I took the challenge after everyone else had given up;
Each court user has a duty to provide timely help (approximately 4 hours in the latter half of April every year, by and large) to get the court prepared for the season and show respect for our joint efforts to rescue the court from demolition (no nasty intrigues and other obstacles to block our joint effort thrown in the way, that is);
I can use the system developed on campus outside the university how I deem appropriate (in commercial settings, that is).
I was blackmailed for very many years before already, but this contract clearly became obsolete as the new leading thug of the Maltech sports club Rait Käbin came up with signature extortion under the threat of blocking me from the tennis court and from our university for that matter if I didn’t sign a new contract that his gang of robbers had drafted and was never revealed to me, so they expected me to do it blindfoldedly, which is quite telling. Such an aggression obviously served the purpose of canceling the contract that had successfully worked for the tennis court on campus for 17 years already, although the hijackers trying their hand in vain at signature extortion never mentioned it.
As the previous contract turned out to be insufficient to contain the abusers of administrative power at our university, here comes a more rigorous draft contract suitable for the administration of the court after the sports club aggression in 2019 which severely violated the earlier contract in almost every imaginable aspect:
It turns out that Tallinn University of Technology is unfortunately not a reliable cooperation partner for its students and alumni for that matter, so if student or alumni help is needed to rescue the tennis court on campus again then the university has to get out of the way first. It already used to be the case in 2008 when we received timely help from the Tallinn City Government that was officially managing this territory at that time for a while to block the apparent intent and the first signs on site of the university officials trying to destroy the freshly built fence around the court financed by Hansapank via a projects competition to support the renovation of sports facilities in Estonia that we successfully participated in. This time, however, the official administrator of the university tennis court can be one of the tennis centers that I cooperate with as the overall corruption of the politicians is at a much higher level than ever before with scamdemics and wars going on close by. One on my cooperation partners, for example, is the former Head of the Sports Club at Tallinn University of Technology, but a tennis center closer to the university might be a better solution in the long run.
An Honor System is badly needed at Tallinn University of Technology to turn it into a good university for its students, and it applies primarily to the abusers of administrative power. Financing the robbery of know-how for sports facilities management and the abuse of students for such purposes with taxpayer money is a really, really bad idea, so we absolutely reject it.
Any court users having supported the hijacking of the administration of the court on campus back into the original problem hands of the sports club gangsters in 2019 in any way are not welcome on this court anymore. Our tennis centers might want to choose their customers on that basis and likewise our universities might want to keep the soul health undermining activists away from our institutions of higher education.
The vandals are fully responsible for their damage done to their colleagues being bullied, or expelled from our university. The paradigm shift that launched the ideological persecution in our university around 2010 is to be rolled back firmly.
The university is needed in the administration of the tennis court on campus only for keeping the water tap open from April 20 to August 31. The amount of water needed per season is about as expensive as the red clay purchased by us, so our community can pay for it in order to avoid problems with delivery. Additionally, as the university paid personnel apparently has the relentless pathological ambition to orchestrate poopers and other vandals damage the court and the relations within its maintenance community in order to show the administration of the university tennis court as problematic without their participation, the functioning of the security camera and our immediate access to the recordings in order to find out the vandals who don’t belong to our university is the responsibility of the university paid personnel, too. The actions of the Maltech basketball mafia at our university should be monitored closely and upon any further act of vandalism their activities completely banned for good.
The membership price for court users has risen about 3 times (!) since the robbery and the court has been made accessible to people outside the university, which doesn’t resonate with the idea of having a tennis court on campus. The prices will be back to normal again and the court filled with students, professors and a few alumni for keeping everything running smoothly, the way it used to be when our community was taking care of the court on my terms which by the time of the robbery I had developed to by and large perfection for the Tallinn Tech settings in close cooperation with every reasonable member in our community.
We’ll have season-opening and -ending doubles tournaments in May and September, respectively, as well as singles tournaments during the summer. That’s what the tennis courts are built for if not hijacked by basketball dominator monkeys pointlessly ruining the tennis experience for everybody.
People fabricating false accusations like all the ones officially accusing me at a Maltech sports club meeting in April of 2019 of things that I haven’t done as just a pretext for hijacking the administration of the university tennis court are not welcome at our university, let alone the tennis court on campus.
The rest of the contract is the same as set forth in 2002 already (see above).
It follows from the new draft contract that the students and professors participating will not pay anything for membership to the university. Just a small fee will be collected by the community for getting some red clay and water, and repairing some tools and equipment on court as needed during the season. And we advise everyone else at our university to watch out that the Maltech dominator pigs not get fat again, especially at the sports center.
As long as the new, more rigorous contract is not followed by our university, we consider Tallinn University of Technology an ideologically hijacked institution Maltech and a breeding ground for rational vandalism that doesn’t deserve to be helped when the going is tough. In other words, Maltech is not a suitable cooperation partner for our community nor any other reasonable party for that matter.
The most probable scenario according to my experience is that the abusers of administrative power will find new ways of organizing spectacles on court to deceive the public for some time before they find a pretext again to demolish the court altogether. It may well happen that the latter “solution” to the problem of obvious robbery this time is picked right away in order to cover up the mayhem. This is done with massive propaganda lies as usual. The people running the Maltech sports center really don’t have any soul health at all. The same applies to the people at the rectorate.
I hope that this Substack post helps get some attention around the world to the ways that human beings abuse administrative power in reality, and draw appropriate conclusions. The clay surface of tennis courts provides an excellent countermeasure against stupid destructive dominators in administrative positions who are often arrogant and have their procedural memory aimed at stealing and the destruction of soul health. I wish you good luck in building more clay courts and finding other countermeasures to contain the utterly stupid dominator Homo sapiens. Also, I hope to find someone among the current students reading this, capable of keeping the abusers of administrative power at our university honest and away from the tennis court on campus the way I managed to do it 22 years ago for almost two decades. I’d share my valuable experience with such students with pleasure.
Regarding the fellow Estonians, we really need to pull ourselves together and start protecting each other’s work from the billmasonic and bitch mode feminist vandals who have over more than a decade already firmly set their foot in Estonia, if we don’t want to end up living in poverty and slavery.
P.S. Parachute for sale. Used only once. Never opened. Small stain.