The abuse of administrative power and the psychopath grin
and a case study of their impact on the hypnotized at Tallinn University of Technology

Please take a look at a short, but important foreword to this guide.
During times of distortion, confusion and destruction, the causes of the mayhem tend to be covered up with the spiritually queer behavior of the doers. These can be helpful signs in practice to meet and tame the domination beast. Yet another expat who has been forced to leave his homeland, Ole Dammegård from Sweden has compiled a 2 hour analysis of a case of severe abuse of administrative power that took place in Norway in an attempt to skim the surface of the problems having been introduced by the malevolent extreme of rationalism that has become all too popular nowadays in our soulless extreme rationalist yes-person societies of the Western World.
In order to avoid vague heartspeak or religious language that some of us – including myself – especially in severe problem situations prefer to avoid, let me put it this way: there is a very high and pointless price we have to pay in the world of machines that we have mechanically created as an aid for ourselves, if we remain spiritually ignorant or careless in the administration of public space. In the world of machines, we can easily replace the machines or parts of them without problem as they have been made by us as passive tools that have no soul and thus don’t belong to the spiritual world. There are other theories around, but for simplicity let’s stick to this one as an educated guess. On the other hand, we ourselves are spiritually incompatible as the tools i.e. slaves of other human beings, we are all very imperfect every once in a while, and it just isn’t natural for our kind as a whole to blindly follow each other’s often very corrupt orders, so getting into the habit of canceling each other the way you change the needle of a sewing machine or the channel on TV depending on your mood is surely the beginning of a series of very unpleasant experiences for our societies and our kind as a whole. As our souls are not indifferent to the treatment that the machines are, humankind will suffer from reluctance, conflicts, stagnation, stupidity, confusion, misery, revenge and other logical and pretty intuitive consequences of throwing each other under the bus. You simply can’t be successful in basic existential skills like communication in a human society if you lack empathy badly enough. The latter doesn’t grow on trees, but needs to be practiced on a regular basis to thrive in the company of each other. Such basic understanding of life should be self-evident, but for some reason needs to be reminded repeatedly to both the kids and the adults among us alike nowadays.
This brings us to the topic of rationalist vandalism. As it provides a wellhead for many nasty abuses of administrative power to crawl out naturally (as I’ve explained before, tackling guilty actions such as abuses rather than guilty actors such as abusers can be a wise approach for keeping administrative problems solvable much more easily sometimes), we’ll eventually start encountering among other signs of rationalist vandalism the signs of spiritually queer behavior like the psychopath grin (see the cover photo), the sociopath stare, the odd post-robbery gangster PR shows, the mockery of hijacked administrative tasks like that of the tennis court on campus discussed in detail below, and other spiritually obvious manifestations of the banality of evil that arrogantly irresponsible people come up with in their often clumsy attempts to cover up their damage done. Such queer manifestations of the dangers lurking around us that will start spreading with impunity as soon as our societies become apathetic enough to spiritually violent behavior, are not easy to notice and the malevolence being covered up that way can wreak havoc by going ignored for some time by usually the vast (non-dissident) majority of us who just don’t happen to be targeted yet. Thus such relatively well-hidden arrogantly irresponsible creators of the mayhem at top administrative positions are the worst who destroy the not directly visible spiritual world around us that directly underlies the rest of our welfare. Their grins, stares, often severely violent injustice cover-ups and other signs of psychopath or sociopath behavior that need spiritual healing in the first place which can take a lot of time, should also make us watch out without delay at the very practical, especially the administrative responsibility level of events unfolding real-time in order to be able to block a theft in progress on time i.e. before the pointless destruction of our common good, the canceling of a worthy colleague for someone’s pathological fun, or even worse as we just saw above, so below some guidelines based on my personal experiences have been presented for the detection and troubleshooting of destructive situations around the corner at a practical level directly, i.e. largely before applying any spiritual healing methods, which also helps to see and block the relatively unnoticeable spiritual viruses in our everyday life from mounting and eventually mutating into atrocities like the one that took place near Oslo. The spiritual aspects of the healing required have already been covered elsewhere on Substack thoroughly, so I can thankfully keep this post less lengthy.
This post is based on my personal experiences at Maltech i.e. the ideologically hijacked Tallinn Tech and in Estonia in general, which probably applies to more post-Soviet bloc (and apparently many other spiritually backward) universities and countries alike that over the last few decades have been transitioning from the Soviet to the ideologically dual i.e. very similar European empire based on a System of Domination controlled by a gang of arrogant hijackers of communist and satanic feminist proxy flavor, respectively.
As I was writing this, I got some extra kick from Mattias Desmet’s recent analyses “The de-souling of the world” and “The paradise of the mother’s voice”. Much of the following content revolves around the different forms of spiritual energy and its flows, so you might want to read a quick summary of helper context before we dive in. Moreover, please read my previous bundle of posts about masonic feminists in Estonia in full if you have the time for a really deep dive as they are currently trying with the help of the indirection of persecution targets (the subjects of law in fuzzy focus) and the fraudulent encapsulation of the persecution actually planned in reality into a fake i.e. a grossly unrepresentative stub of this reality (a misleading assisted “suicide” bubble in the law for real crime cover-up) to obviously silence political opposition by legalizing murder, in order to grasp the meaning of the terminology used below properly. That’s the way the Freemasons via their proxy of bitch mode feminists are obviously planning to silence people with different opinions in Estonia once they get a chance, believe it or not. I’ve seen those in power and the results of their fanaticism close and often enough for a prediction like that.
And thanks to Tessa again for the posts referenced above already as well as the coming ones below, some of the terminology used in this post, and both the excellent as well as the really bad examples in my opinion of countering the beast she has come up with. I consider some of them to be completely unsuitable for practice, although not that stupid in the context of personal spiritual balance drills for whatever reasons. I mean no offense, just pointing out what is important to realize outside the personal spiritual wonderland of the slow-wits in practice with insufficient experience, obviously, instead of letting our fellow fighters against the domination beast be set up out of carelessness, sheer stupidity or just inexperience as easy prey for bullying by the beast that we should counter together as a reliable team, with regrettable consequences for all of us if we fail in, well, healing or filtering out all the major idiots among us.
In the nineties after the collapse of the Soviet empire, there was homework for the leading dominators to do – what was the new value system going to be like? The keyword chosen to describe the new paradigm was “success”, and importantly, this specious promise was to replace any ethics as I’ve heard from various sources, it developed straight into the omnipresence of the perfect face syndrome like the psychopath grin at higher levels or the sociopath stare at lower levels of masonic feminist circles of administration, and other pathological symptoms of the newly defined ethicsfree success system, so we’d better take a look at where this paradigm shift has taken us by now and how to get out of it.
The first and foremost mistake made was the import of masonic feminism – the feminist arrogance leading to a severe cultural decline of the affected families in general and the accompanying public death drive, the way I described it back then, which has become worse as I wasn’t taken seriously for some reason – to Estonia and many other Eastern European countries, which started at the end of the nineties and I described in my previous bundle of posts along with a summary of the fight that I set up in 2005 against it. My idea was to resist the mental colonization that was planned to be imposed on us by means of a mass of seriously vicious women and their Language of Domination (their slogans like e.g. “Equal pay for equal work!” don’t have much to do with neither pay nor work, for example, but the destruction of roles in strong families out of their control, right?) by simply exposing their plan on the web and raising public awareness of what the danger lurking around the corner would bring about once it got a chance. This mind colonization plan should have been thwarted really, it was relatively easily doable thanks to getting many more independent minds to notice and appreciate e.g. my efforts back then than now that our next generation of Estonians are much more brainwashed as a result of our hypocritical “independence” pitting us against each other in increasingly fatal ways like the ideal slaves of the latest fake “vaccine” passport apartheid scamdemics, and without it none of the mistakes described in the following would ever have taken root significantly.
The second grave and shameful mistake in the chain of quite logical nails in the coffin of our functioning communities and societies that we made – according to the careful calculation of the bitch mode “anything goes“ feminism importing disaster designers, I believe – was how the “success” paradigm was interpreted by the critical mass of our people, of course. To put it short, the arrogance, greed and excessive i.e. wildly conflicting personal interests of a bunch of egoists (the modern Homo sapiens of the Western World) relying on fraud don’t mix with a well-functioning society, obviously, and I believe that the ill-willing architects of the rearrangements of our short-lived post-Soviet freedom were very well aware of the disastrous effects on the horizon of such a creepy madness import for our sivilization – a deliberate typo that Huckleberry Finn would use here, probably, – so the lack of basic culture and common values raining down on us straight from the High Heavens of a satanic cult did their job and ended up with practically everything valuable created being hijacked, decorated with nicely packaged, but fraudulent and nefarious pretexts covering up the success robberies from each other. Such “nice“ society destruction packages didn’t hit the post-Soviet gangsterspace only. For example, what happened in Sweden is a telling example of such extreme feminist destruction (masonic destruction by means of extreme feminism, to be exact) anywhere – yet another takeover facilitated by letting the accepted level of our communication drop to the comfort zone of groups very similar to the satanic hijackers of community work at our university basically. What’s going on at our university and in much of the rest of our country, threatens to become even worse – the hijacking of the basic survival of our people in general, in short, accompanied by a grin of a local masonic feminist bureaucrat that after having watched the last video clip closely you might have noticed. That’s how far the masonic feminists have come by now with distorting the meaning of our success in Estonia and the rest of the weaponized language they try to impose on everybody in public in our country, and that’s definitely something that should not have remained an unsolved “mystery” for such a long time – 19 years already since my first, very profound online warning story of drawing attention to the problem of bitch mode feminists manipulating our language among their other signs of hijacking control, for example.
In the circles of the administration of public space that I happened to bump into, it seems that the most popular pretexts for success robbery were unbelievably plain lies organized across multiple layers of deceit from general misleading propaganda to false personal accusations in combination with a wide variety of provocations that served as a “base” (in honest language, the absence of it) for canceling the ideologically disobedient creators with character by primitive arrogant brute-force administrative means in the world of bureaucracy first, and after having got any self-defense out of the way by means of such fraudulent bureaucracy, brutally hijacking the value created by the defenseless. In other words, it was the hijackers brutally dominating the creators which wasn’t fun for anyone, let alone the creators of such value, and has been getting worse monotonously in my country, for example. The optimal way to deal with such bureaucracy in my opinion is to mirror its own behavior as if playing against a pusher in tennis – just brutally fire all these corrupt selfish agents of destruction for a massive relief. And ask the women for a change like the one in the cover photo (the former Head of Quality Control at our university during the times of most damage) why their lurking dominator inside needs to control what it can’t and isn’t even allowed to by contract, and destroy everything that she can’t control. That sounds much like the behavior of a white man to the native Americans, I bet. And after my experiences with the bitch gangsters at our university, I am very much on the same page with the native Americans, I should point out, except that I call this phenomenon just the abuse of administrative power instead of the problem character of white men. Once again, guilty are not the people or their whole kind for at least practical purposes, but what some of us do, which from this angle helps with finding working practical solutions to our problems. So that’s the first WTF moment when our feminist tyrants had better look in the mirror and minimize their word count as pointed out by Tage Danielsson, some of whose funny humanist stories were introduced in the previous chapter. And this time it’s not about the hijacking of the value created only, but about the masonic feminist totalitarianism all over the place, including mating control, for example, i.e. the female totalitarian mind seems to have the ambitions to control every aspect of our lives the way one psychopath or another in the driver’s seat disrespecting basic privacy of other people deems appropriate, it turns out, with the accompanying pathological conflicts all over the place. Such a monkey wrench in the hands of pervs like the one illustrated above surely helps keep the disobedient families weak and the overall agenda of the masonic scums “successful”.
Another major problem that we have in the post-Soviet gangsterspace is the, say, overzealously diligent people, to put it mild. For example, when I returned from the United States, I found it extremely queer to say “Tallinn Technical University” and tried to explain to my colleagues at the Institute of Cybernetics at our university why it was semantically incorrect. None of the Golden Oldies believed me as the same kind of naming was used in many other universities, too. A colleague of my age made a quick search on the Internet, however, and found out that I am probably right as his search results clearly showed a full-contrast distinction between the naming of universities in Eastern Europe and the English-speaking West. I don’t know how my comment was further processed, but in a year or two, the name of our university was officially changed to Tallinn University of Technology. The problem with this facelift was that not only the name of our university, but the exact colors and – if I remember correctly – largely the design of the logo of our regressively progressive university were hijacked from Stevens Institute of Technology – that’s a university in Hoboken, NJ where I studied for a while. It was a very embarrassing situation and it happened years before the same kind of administrative hijackers came begging the students – which turned out to be me alone in the Moment of Truth i.e. after all the cheap talk – for help with troubleshooting the tennis court on campus with a tricky clay surface, so I knew exactly what kind of thugs I was dealing with at the administrative level of our overzealously diligent university, and formulated a contract accordingly before taking the challenge of renovating the university tennis court on a community basis.
I started calling such kind of despicable embarrassing administrative practices the mentality of a prostitute. In other words, bitch mode feminism. As I did it quite openly during times of heated debates, some administrative gangsters got upset, I guess. In a decade or two Bill Gates came, kind of donated a large amount of computers to our university as I heard at the computer center, and so the overzealously diligent people with prostitute mentality working at our university administration and led by the thug rector Jaak Aaviksoo found “a way out” – they painted the logo of our university LGBT pink and violet this time, and changed the abbreviation of the name of our university to TalTech instead of the natural speak Tallinn Tech as if making it one syllable shorter was worth anything if compared to the twice longer Ca-li-for-nian University of Technology where the idea was not just overzealously diligently, but also stupidly copied from as a display of the same mentality again, imposing such an idiotic demeaning newspeak on everyone at Maltech. Such an embarrassing invasion of the Billmasons here clearly marked the beginning of a major Billmasonic Paradigm Shift and the accompanying beginning of the mind colonization and ideological conditioning era of everybody at our university, in other words the end of peace of study for the non-complying majority and the infrastructure for getting a good education in Estonia, not just at university level. Most notably, this paradigm shift was accomplished by firing some professors right away who didn’t obey the ideologically infiltrated administration nor respect their academically incorrect orders, and practicing fear therapy in the mailboxes of many other professors who were targeted after a few years of prior mental conditioning there in a similar manner, asking to be ready for getting fired just in case... The purpose of such an extra step before canceling was obviously to instill obedience in the hypnotized to the rest of the agenda that was planned to be imposed as well as to keep the independently-minded professors capable of teaching the students as long as needed, but feedback from the students shows that the level of an increasing number of professors has dropped to an unbearable level. This is a direct impact of the actions of the psychopaths lacking adequate soul health for the administration of a university.
What it means is that those who were not blocked from Maltech by ideological whim right away, but were decided to be kept employed in a soul-wrenched state until needed, didn’t come up with the goods anymore that the abusers of administrative power had counted on. One of the students whom I happened to chat with during the breaks told me that he had accused the administration of violating the main regulations at our university as he was forced to study in Russian because of a missing professor eventually found outside our university, although Estonian and English are the only official languages at our university. The administrative gangsters immediately started covering it up by removing the recordings of these lectures from the web server among other things, but this student had copied some proof of these lectures in a language that he is not required to have mastered for studies at our university to his laptop already, and filed another accusation about ethical concerns this time. A long story short, he witnessed an ethics committee being appointed to deal with the situation fail totally and leave him basically alone with a case targeted at the top-level administration of our university. The ultimate point that I am getting at here though is the need to keep the people with slave mentality away from at least the top-level decision-making. And getting back to the hypnotized among the academic personnel not working out the way set forth by the wet dreams of a control freak psychopath, well, creative minds whose accomplishments have taught them respect for independent thinking are the obvious choice for decision makers to be put in the position of at least vetoing any steps towards mental colonization and all the mayhem that comes with it.
A phenomenon closely related to such mental colonization of the Western World is the proxy tyrant doing the mental colonization locally for the remote tyrant as we have learned at Maltech. Those of you having read my previous post about the recent advances of masonic feminism in Estonia can probably guess already who the ones playing the role of a proxy tyrant usually are. This is the way that even the Student Union at our university was turned into an ideological extension of the Billmasons via the Maltech rectorate. The rectorate used financing and bureaucracy to catch the student organizations on short tether for indoctrination apparently, and it seems to me that this tether is very much an ideological one. There was a loud protest from the leaders of the student organizations against the regulations severely damaging student life at our university and in particular being imposed on student creativity, treacherously aimed at colonizing the students’ mind at our university, and the opinions flying in the mailing list of the student organizations expressed concerns like “We are as if living in Russia where the state carefully monitors which organizations follow the state policies and which don’t, and promotes or inhibits their actions accordingly.”, “It seems that for the university administration we are one big enterprise being supervised by the Student Union as a bunch of structural units.“, “Please don’t kill student initiative with your regulations, procedures, reports and other orders. The student organizations need more freedom in order for active students to be around. There is enough time for a boring life ahead!“, “Any voluntary student organization may choose to what extent it wants to cooperate with the Student Union. It is absurd that student organizations are submitted to management by the Student Union, be there 0 or 10 compulsory yearly meetings.“, “The leaders of successful student organizations are experts in their field of study or on their way there, so we don’t need incompetent advice being imposed on us or obey destructive authoritarianism in any other way.”, “The university administration has made a very aware decision that the Student Union is the most appropriate unit for financing the student organizations and so forth, and are using it as a proxy for the management of student organizations.“, etc. For some reason, however, the young bribed officials of the Student Union were – hell or high waters – going to get it without a reasonable explanation. This mystery definitely needs explanation.
And guess what – all these Student Union young bureaucrats hammering through this mind-colonizing agenda were female. This next generation of young female totalitarianism implementers align perfectly with the all-women crew of the law-assisted political assassination scheming that was the topic of my previous post. Such a proxy tyrant scheming seems to be the main tool of the Billmasons and other Freemasons nowadays and it involves mainly women. Unlike these submissive female cooperators, ordinary men, let alone young independent male minds don’t seem to align easily with the billionaire masterminds looking for useful idiots to help implement all their nefarious totalitarian scheming that for some reason successfully relies on the brainwashing of female gangsters in everyday practice sharing a typical Euroslut mentality in the delirium of the “success” paradigm. Practically speaking, the opinions of the leaders of the student organizations were not given any attention apart from a little spectacle for the records, so this type of female gangstersminds motivated by sheer power to control everything ruined the student organizations at Maltech for everybody. One of the most important problems to point out here is that such straws thrust right into the soul of the Student Union thoroughly spoil the communication of capable students with each other as the horribly corrupt ideological terrorists sitting at the rectorate can terrorize a non-complying organization leader at will with the help of the young female financially hypnotized gangsterminds sitting at the Student Union directly at almost any time. Hence a sense of ideological power to play with is all that a typical young feminist soul needs to screw up the good efforts of all the other students, and for some reason the collective gangster soul of the Student Union in the last decade hasn’t changed much, although its members are elected by and large every year – yet another “mystery” that should be thoroughly investigated.
According to the post-Soviet experience of the Georgians, there will be massive and miserable economic results for the whole country for a long time after all these years of stealing-while-you-can, especially in the export sector (very profitable for all the neighbors, by the way), begging for the president Saakashvili kind of extreme control. The approach he came up with was financed by playing Robin Hood on the bank accounts of a few very rich people (robbery of their money) in order to finance the state apparatus so well that dealing with the corruption of state officials in particular and later extended to the whole people of Georgia in general in a very harsh way (years in prison for the smallest professional abuse of administrative power, for example, if I understood correctly) gathered wide support among a lot of much less well-to-do people very tired of corruption, to put it mild. Such an approach to end corruption earned a lot of popularity for the Karl-Bertil Jonsson style president who successfully removed corruption in his country by overpaying the officials with stolen money in order to keep them on an extremely short moral tether. However, unlike Karl-Bertil’s adventures with Christmas communism (wrapping up his father’s and other rich people’s stuff as Christmas presents and distributing them to the poor at Christmas), Saakashvili’s genius ended with the early stages of a largely disturbing gang dictatorship and a few assassinations in Georgia, so this kind of control for keeping the bureaucrats honest is truly extreme and short-lived.
In Estonia's case, all the creators of value and the resisters of vandalism whom we should be thankful to, largely due to our indifference to the problems with our soul health being let canceled of envy at the lower levels and more of gangster arrogance towards the higher levels of administrative power depending on how the greed for control and the accompanying brutal malevolent carelessness manifest in the actions of the abusers of administrative power with a very poor soul health – which is a significant part of their incompetence, by the way – and who should therefore never be in such a position in a respectable society, is surely going to have a major say in whether the problems with our society stay solvable in a relatively peaceful manner in Estonia. So far I’ve noticed and literally bumped into people thousands of km from Estonia who are simply fleeing the de-souling and de facto foreign hijacking regime rearing its head during the last decade or so in our native land, which reminds me of the prophetic words of the well-known Estonian dissident voice addressing the state-level abuse of administrative power Tiit Madisson who was one of the main freedom fighters of the last decade or two of the Soviet era in Estonia: “I have done what’s possible over the years. The sense of responsibility towards my people hasn’t let me just shut up in fear and watch the damage being done. If the current hopeless situation continues then more people capable of thinking and acting will leave their native land, and the ones staying, while enjoying abuse for the fun of showing the place to each other, will end up crunching each other’s throats.” [23.23-23.53] I have independently reached exactly the same feelings and conclusions in ways very different from his, and I can only add that the pokhuism (think of this Russian loan word as the opposite of acting with integrity, i.e. acting irresponsibly, dishonestly and carelessly) of the Estonians is the key to our fate as a nation as it has among other major problems very efficiently destroyed e.g. my sense of responsibility towards my people as a whole, and I bet that of many more compatriots, too.
As far as I can see, the Georgians have done a relatively good job as a nation state in the post-Soviet era – much better than the Estonians, largely because of the deep state of the invisible Br'er Jaw governed by a Soviet style totalitarian mindset, who cares about the present of his gang of abusers instead of the future of Estonia – by keeping the status quo of no corruption after the, well, controversial performances of president Saakashvili to keep the bureaucrats honest and the rest of the corruption out of the country, so it would be wise to study especially the spiritual aspects of the Georgian culture and seriously deal with public attitude problems towards soul health in Estonia. Just don’t steal from givers, destroy the value created by them, ridicule the ones being unjustly bullied, etc, alright? Principles like that in order to avoid poverty and slavery should be pretty intuitive and straightforward for every spiritually balanced non-robot to recognize, especially among a small nation with a long history of slavery. Ignoring our spiritual world does have the shortsighted advantage of freeing up some tech resources within us for making all our robots work as well as turning ourselves into robots in the process that can be owned with less and less problems, but it can easily be used against us as the takers have taken over control as a result of the apathy of the critical mass of people in our society towards personal injustices like the canceling of whistleblowers-on-time and other dissident voices in our current chaos threatening the grasp of the pathological control that the power abusers have attained so far. That’s why a healthy disgust at robots or with people who act like ones, and the underlying sense of our superiority to them – reluctance to our own stupidities, that is – is truly our way out alive.
By the way, the last time I visited the WizzAir website, I noticed that all routes to Tallinn had been dropped, except from London and Milan. That’s maybe a tenth of what it used to be, if I remember correctly. Compare this to our neighboring destination Riga with 28 routes coming in from countries all over Europe at the moment. This kind of information should really shake and wake up the Estonians to find out what the heck a gang of idiots like the ones described below according to my personal experiences dealing with them, are doing to our beautiful country so that even tourists don’t want to visit it anymore. Now that is suicidal, and it seems that the foreign Secret Services have done a much “better” job in Estonia than in the neighboring Latvia of about the same size with wiping us out of this world, to be honest. And drawing yet another interesting parallel to Georgia again, you might even be denied access to public services in a spiritually healthy society like this due to not handing a local currency bill between your thumb and index finger i.e. slightly in a way that can be interpreted as careless towards the attendee receiving it. Think about it for a moment... And do not confuse this soul health matter with selfish female cashiers who roamed the Soviet Union for much different, well, perverted reasons again. Nowadays the LGBT activists and other “artists” have taken over their role. Higher up in the mountains spiritual laws like this are much more tough – use your imagination what can happen to your wandering eyes, for example. In other words, what the heck is going on inside us, no facade can unfortunately or fortunately cover, and Estonia is in no way an exception to these, well, laws of nature, especially when the going is tough and at the Moments of Truth. That’s why it is so important to build character – for reasons that only a non-robot can understand. And that’s why the police guarding the LGBT demonstrations in Georgia are no match for a crowd of angry 80 year old grandmothers armed with just crosses and icons to disperse any such events on their territories in an impressive blitzkrieg I’ve happened to see on Georgian TV for a few times (I almost never watch TV so it is probably a frequent theme) along with local classic movies parodying greed, cowardice and other common soul health viruses of the everstupid Homo sapiens who had better build some character inside, tirelessly.
The results of the interventions by crowds of determined citizens blocking such foreign stealth raids can be convincing – the LGBT lurking tyrants have successfully been kept honest in Georgia with the help of sound traditions and spiritually balanced local people protecting their ancestral values (and if I managed to provide some helpful input drawn from my practical experiences in Estonia then I’d proudly include that as a reason for success, too), so the arrogant American sexual BS vandals can eat their lies and close their doors on Georgian soil now – no hijacking of the government or the parliament, nor nefarious disintegration of families via bribed officials will be allowed here, unlike their success in sowing destruction in my homeland and in the rest of Europe due to extremely stupid people unable to even, say, think with their heart. Based on my personal experiences with the persecution of myself and the recreational tennis community that I assembled for a very good reason, after getting in the way of a criminal LGBT whim (extreme feminist robberies motivated by arrogant envy of strong families and other similar lack of character, to be exact) to hijack parents from children who are yet to be born, using the Student Life Weekly as the means on campus, I can only say with a lot of respect and confidence: “Well done, Georgians!”
What is the main point of such mysterious totalitarian nefarious scheming like the proxy tyrant in the form of the Student Union itself at Maltech sowing destruction among the student organizations, and similar proxy installations pushed by foreign totalitarian change agents all over Estonia nowadays? Here is what I have found out over time about these rationalist hijacking control freaks as the probably most important part of my practical experience: they aim at blocking our communication between each other in the first place, or at least normal communication between each other in order to fool us properly, as without such nefarious scheming to paralyze us as a society they wouldn’t be able to even plan their robberies of public space. That’s the way they cling to power, which is very narrow luck indeed. And the following story – and our community for those at or near Tallinn Tech with basic tennis skills and a few other qualities needed for membership – is our online help offered to those fellow students and professors willing to resist being fooled or otherwise abused for domination, in order to make it even narrower and finally zero it out, which might be interesting and useful for anyone in the world stuck in administrative abuse to learn from.
I have very close personal experience with how the High Heavens of Maltech repeatedly tried to hijack the welfare of the clay court on campus provided by a student community that I had assembled in 2002 upon their request for help (in the form of the Head of the tennis department at the university sports club literally coming begging for help while we were playing outside the campus) to save the opportunity to play tennis on campus. After nearly 2 decades of a variety of softer ways failing to carry out the robbery of our work and value created on campus, the abusers of administrative power at Maltech took the hard way, so that’s what is going to be shared with the world here and I strongly believe that it is exactly the pattern used in the hijacked Student Union to exert pathological control – and in fact by the abusers of administrative power all over the Western World currently – to bring the functioning of healthy communities and their communication to a grinding halt, which is a tragic reality in student life indeed and in fact the worst malevolence that I have witnessed in all my life in terms of its potential range, so we’ll cover it in detail for the whole world to read, comment on and take action against wherever in the Western World you are confronted with such pointless destructive administrative perv control during the current masonic hijacking era:

Figure 1 got a little bit cluttered – sorry about that – yet with some additional comments you’ll start seeing the logic behind the energy flows, hopefully, culminating in a Suitcase of Know-how being handed over to the sports club officials and the locks of the tennis court being changed by them, according to the plans of our cover photo heroine, leading our way directly to a psychopath mafia state in general. In a nutshell, the High Heavens of Maltech keep fishing for students at tennis centers during the times when the going is tough for the tennis court on campus. Head of the tennis department of the Maltech sports club Valdur Topaasia was the gangster who came begging for help far outside the campus, but he is just the tip of the iceberg. You can generalize this to just about anything being administered at our university and by and large in Estonia, it is done in exactly the same abusive manner. So I landed renovating this tennis court in the picturesque pine park on campus, knowing exactly as mentioned above what kind of thugs I was dealing with, so I had an oral contract protecting the rescue project and my own rights requiring that they don’t bother me with the tennis court if they don’t respect our community effort and keep the university sports club and other thugs out of my way as I don’t have time for anything else except rescuing the tennis court and setting up a well-functioning system there, nor dictate anything about how I could further use the system developed by me on campus. With keeping bothering me by having everyone at the tennis department of the sports club point at me as the one to decide whether rescuing the court was going to be given a try or not, they agreed to my terms basically. Later there was a lot of support among the students and the professors to the minimal obvious regulations that I came up with until the sports club vandals really started working on the length of the list of regulations, and I had no escape from making it longer to get rid of the trolls in a publicly neat manner.
A year or two into the rescue project a mediocre scientist of a well-known masonic style clan, an embittered-looking psychopath and head of the management of all sports facilities on campus in the top right corner of the drawing above, Andres Öpik who most probably was the one asking a fellow gangster Valdur Topaasia to go and get some student slaves to help, started organizing intrigues which ranged from scattering small plastic balls over the court surface which is dangerous for the players, so these had to be picked up, one by one, to pooping into the windshields and other places around the court. I mean, the shit was hanging a whole meter from the ground – must have been the basketball players again. At one of the round tables attended by top university officials and 2 student representatives, Br’er Öpik boasted that the students can try to renovate the court, but in the end he is going to take it away from us anyway. That’s telling – first he sent the head of the tennis department begging the students for help far outside the campus (I might not be able to prove it because of just 2-3 utterly dishonest gangsters involved, but it is pretty much obvious on the background of what preceded and especially of what followed the begging action to get the students on the hook), then tried to enslave me basically by throwing utter disrespect into the faces of our community by claiming privileges in the schedule to book just for blocking everyone else in the schedule which after years and years of inquiries in front of everybody resulted in blocking him from booking the court (he didn’t use it anyway, maybe once per summer), and after failing to get me hooked on his disrespect tether, declared to hijack the administration of a freshly renovated court. How he got people pooping on campus like this repeatedly remains a mystery as the security camera installed specifically for the purpose of detecting the culprits mysteriously didn’t work all of a sudden, wasn’t dealt with nor were we let fix it ourselves, and the Head of the Department of Manned Security who installed this camera after I draw his attention to the very awkward situations on campus, one after another and without precedence, was simply forced to leave his job with the help of, say, some really nasty authoritarian scheming. I can’t even imagine a way in practice for a clay court to be used normally and be kept in reasonably good shape for that matter under the control of a thug like Br’er Öpik whose “genius” lies in making the helpers he had invited – using indirection for better scheming options, obviously – pick up all the nasty little plastic balls he’d scattered on the court out of sheer and utter authoritarian malevolence like sparrows pecking shit. Last year he finally passed away, thank God, and I say for the benefit of the soul health of everybody – may all his followers follow him soon!
The next gangster of importance in the hijacking story of the administration of the tennis court at Maltech from the community of students having rescued the facility to the corrupt and ambitious authoritarian hands of the university paid personnel is Kiira Parre, a quality control official at our university whom you can see in the middle as well as on the cover photo of this post. As a close friend of Br’er Öpik, she was operating the information highway for nudging the developments on court towards a plain and simple robbery. This pair of thugs seemed to be very surprised that none of the hooks they set up over the years worked on me, so I can with remarkable accuracy interpolate how everyone else was tried to be manipulated with at our university and in what kind of situations many of them got trapped and robbed. In other words, I can confirm that we are stuck in a mafia state with its leading university having been hijacked by psychopaths, and their social contagion consistently infecting everybody else at our university. Anyway, none of the hooks set up by these psychopaths worked getting me fooled nor enslaved, so after 17 years of trying in vain, they orchestrated the robbery in a very ugly way and will have to pay for it now as I am almost well again or at least able to write relatively legibly after a few years. I’ll just give you a couple examples of how the Öpik-Parre duo tried to trap or bully me or e.g. the professors on court in order to provoke conflits as fodder to false accusations aiming at hijacking the administration of the university tennis court that had failed for them for almost 2 decades already.
Let’s start with the bullying of the professors. As the hijacking project of Br’er Õpik had reached the stage where the booking of the university tennis court could be somehow done on the web, Sis Parre started bullying the players on court who were unwilling to start undermining an already well-functioning system. I had feedback from the students and professors coming in, so I know that she tried to establish the new schedule by yelling at court users who were unwilling to contribute to her winning-ugly scheming by following an alternate schedule obviously designed for robbery. Despite being a relatively quick-n-dirty hack, the schedule that I had programmed for this tennis court was probably the first online booking system in Estonia, by the way. After the robbery was committed by simply changing the locks of the court gate and the hose box along with massive fraudulent propaganda personally at me, the people being treated this way left the university sports club in protest and did so not without declaring utter disgust at how our university is being managed in written form, so a few examples of these essays will be set up in the Estonian view of our website.
As I understand the stubborn silence with none of my inquiries getting any replies from the hijacking enthusiasts at our university, the process of setting up the main trap for provoking me into a major conflict in order to fabricate a variety of fraudulent accusations of me dealing harshly with the provocateurs, was the ordering of red clay from Cesis, Latvia, which had to be done in about March every year. Long story short, Sis Parre tried to make me feel so bad every spring that I would eventually leave the court on my own initiative. Despite almost two decades of trying, it didn’t work out for the psychopath as I kept finding better and better ways around all her evil. The Õpik-Parre duo was obviously trying to provoke conflict between me and the only red clay factory with sufficient quality for us in the region of reasonable transportation costs by delaying payments so badly every year that the provider got absolutely reluctant to communicate with us at all. Well, it didn’t work out among many other traps set up earlier either as I contacted one of my about 10 coop partners who was ordering red clay from the same factory and agreed to order one big bag of clay for us, too. And after I told the players to pay a small amount of money around 10 euros every spring to get the clay on court after we were left without it at the beginning of one season as a result of the nefarious scheming of Br’er Õpik and Sis Parre, the High Heavens of Maltech went absolutely mad – they was no way left for them to bully me for 2 months every year anymore.
Such bullying was a tremendous headache for me every spring term as I wasn’t able to plan anything. Besides, this absolutely pointless malevolence was the kind of stress that just didn’t let me concentrate on anything, including the studies, as there was so much responsibility involved. This is a typical example of corporate bullying. You can describe it as putting straws in people’s souls for pathological fun in order to suck out their good energy and replace it with horrible shit. Yes, it’s exactly the same strategy and it can thoroughly screw up people’s health, not just spiritually. Tampering someone’s responsibility with nefarious scheming should be made severely punishable to avoid deaths, for example. Even I finally landed in intensive care for a few days after these 2 months every spring started to accumulate and I got some additional heavy bullying on top of that, as described below. Unlike a tennis partner 2 years younger than me, I escaped heart attack, but I feel that something is slightly damaged in there.
The third key figure in the hijacking campaign is a traitor player among us Andres Braunbrück who works as associate professor at Maltech. He is one of the half brothers of the rabbit president Kersti Kaljulaid, so he has all the bitch mode feminist tricks in his bag which are revealed at carefully calculated moments, contrary to his overly friendly public face. In other words, a perfect manipulator to carry out an inside job. After having joyfully infiltrated into our recreational tennis community, his inside job apparently was to spy on the court maintenance activities necessary for successfully hijacking the know-how missing at the university sports club, fill the Suitcase of Know-How over the years of participating in clay court maintenance and troubleshooting, and upon confidence thus gained, eventually hand the suitcase over to the Öpik-Parre provocation highway to be processed further – to hijack the administration of the tennis court, that is, while not getting caught. The hijacking mission would be completed with the help of just an additional brutally nefarious provocations/canceling combo after having squeezed all required information and skills out of our successful student community this way in order not to fail without the support of the student community after the robbery. Among other nasty examples of behaviors, this is an example of theft of respect. And the nasty ultrafeminist family of half-brothers and half-sisters where this traitor player comes from deserves a separate post to warn the Estonians who we are dealing with. As long as the Estonians allow such things to be done to each other, not speaking of financing the activities of a president with exactly the same behavioral patterns, then what kind of a beast are we as a nation, to be honest?
The thug kneeling in the bottom right corner of the drawing is Rait Käbin who was apparently hired by Br’er Öpik and his gangsters in order to keep their gloves on. So, Rait Käbin tried to find a reason to accuse me of unfriendly behavior based on the accusations of all the jerks who had tried to provoke me during 17 years and wasn’t able to find any valid one as I proved all of them wrong by among other things asking him whether he would agree to handle such problem situations himself the next time someone poops into the windshields or suchlike. He agreed and didn’t keep his word on the very first occasion already. Instead he just broke all the agreements we had made after a series of meetings with 3 of my helper administrators participating and confirming the fraudulent, arrogant and authoritarian behavior of Rait Käbin once he had to face one of the situations that I was facing regularly, and went on to hijack the administration of the tennis court in order to cover up his total failure to handle the situation. I got the impression that this thug doesn’t know in the least what responsibility means. Such thugs are canceling people arbitrarily nowadays with the help of simply lying and massive propaganda to cover it up. It is a huge challenge in Estonia to do something about it as the police have become so corrupt that they’d rather kill the thingy being administered than risk failing with the administration of it, so it is a similar problem at the level of regular police work. Before hijacking the administration of the Maltech tennis court, Rait Käbin got an order from his boss – I presume it was Br’er Öpik – to try to extort my signature under threat of blocking me from the tennis court on campus and from the university for that matter, which failed and is clearly criminal.
A more general problem with Rait Käbin and other basketball gangsters like him at the sports center on campus is the so-called Basketball Mafia of Tallinn University of Technology which was operating long before I reached student age. Now that Br’er Öpik passed away, I guess Rait Käbin might be the next basketball mafia boss, so let’s call him the criminal Br’er Monkey in the following who, unlike the rare exception of Br’er Öpik, is a basketball player himself among the rest of the basketball gangsters at the Maltech sports club. “Basketball monkey” (in Estonian just “pärdik”) is the nickname of the members of the Maltech basketball mafia in our community and possibly elsewhere earned after I all of a sudden collapsed in public at the end of a terrible summer after being bullied by the Öpik-Parre duo of the reagular couple months’ treatment in spring and subsequently by the sports club vandals with the help of a gang of 4 student extensions they had managed to find for tampering our community, and was taken to intensive care, so this kind of bullying can in fact easily get criminal, too.
You can always find students who despise helping the community with work to get the clay court prepared for the season for some reason and make an embarrassing elephant out of the couple hours of their time needed for it and thus be welcome to play almost for free all summer long, but in order to achieve persistence like that, you need very fanatic minds from unbelievably pathological gangster families, so I’ll give you an example of a couple such students below. The basketball players have been holding all or nearly all key administrative positions at the Maltech sports center for many decades already, and the corruption that comes with it got especially nasty during my studies with the Maltech Basketball Mafia stealing almost all the money allocated by the university to student sports events in tennis, badminton, light athletics and other sports represented at the sports center of our university. Luckily I was able to ignore this loud conflict during my studies, but after I was asked to take over the administration of the tennis court on campus, the basketball mafia nuisance all of a sudden became a reality impossible to ignore for me, too.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the phenomenon of basketball monkeys and their mafia at our university after they launched some deeply abnormal operations against the administration of the tennis court on campus as this facility lies inconveniently outside the system of tampering domination for hijacking of these control freaks due to the contract protecting the rights of me and the community that I had assembled, including pooping into the windshields (well, I have to say it was the basketball monkeys again as the security camera wasn’t even allowed to prove the opposite) of the tennis court and the firing of the Head of Manned Security Service on campus as he helped us install a security camera in order to find out who is behind this vandalism at levels attainable by the High Heavens of Maltech only, as far as my lifelong experience goes. The friendly guy getting fired wrote a comprehensive letter about this incident and a broad range of other corruption at our university to the Estonian Internal Security Service, by the way, but it was completely (!) ignored. The psychopath relentlessly f-ing with the security camera and eventually firing this very good colleague and respected personality at our univrsity is Andres Kallaste, the general Head of Security Service at our university. The tampering domination for hijacking of the Maltech basketball mafia is very primitive bullying basically which boils down to problem procedural memory in many ways specific to basketball players. That’s why some sports like basketball, boxing and suchlike with potentially problem procedural memory should be kept away from blockheads lacking basic manners, especially at universities with a problem cultural background producing leaders for our society, economy, etc. Harassing cats and dogs like this is a mentality that I strongly advise the Estonians not to allow take root especially in the fragile cultural layer of the people working close by and deal with this monster in Estonia starting at Maltech decisively if establishing basic dignity in our society and living a normal life including our economic welfare after these canceling specialists and brutal hijackers have been countercanceled is desirable instead of letting destroy our country pretty much like this (just look around you, it should be easy to see already):
And the last jaw obviously having participated in the preparations for the hijacking of the administration of the Maltech tennis court who should definitely find some room in our already too cluttered energy flow chart, is Urmas Sõõrumaa again who is probably the chief of deep state operations in Estonia and whom you can see in the bottom left corner of the drawing. As he prefers to stay invisible by using a lot of indirection as mentioned in my post about the legalization of multi-factor murdering schemes, let’s continue to refer to him as the invisible Br’er Jaw in this post, too. Br’er Jaw has an army of his own of bribed thugs and officials by and large all over Estonia, sometimes called the mafia state, whom you can easily tell from normal people by their slimy kind of talk and behavior which they are not very skilled at hiding. I’ll give you an example of that below, but let’s start with a problem setup that this sort of mafia state doesn’t mix with reasonable undertakings in practice like the rescue project of our student community even, not speaking of large commercial projects. This post should give the preliminary answer why, but it needs to be further investigated, of course, as probably it is much worse than what I’ve described here based on my own experience only.
Starting with some background information, after graduation I worked in Sweden for a short period of time at a company building firewalls for computer networks, where my job was to generate upgrade certificates for download among other documents and upgrade files all accessible from a general download page. I later used the same software for automatically generating diplomas with a photo that could be selected by all the participants of our doubles tournaments on campus from the photo album page of our community website which was also the website of the university tennis court at that time. These photos were taken of the tournaments that I organized since 2006 with the diploma generation feature added in 2008 already. At least 5 years later the same idea got implemented at the SEB Tallinn marathon, so this is how easy the management of the results of creative people becomes once you are the Jaw all over a country with your army of gangsters providing for virtually limitless indirection of e.g. committing crime among other fancy undertakings. The world “order” of plain and simple robbers who “assist” those who don’t kiss their ass after coming up with something cool in public opinion is how they try to call it apparently. The early bankers called it KMA (Kiss My Ass), let’s call it TDH (Tampering Domination for Hijacking). So what is the problem with the TDH approach? I bet nobody knows that I am the author of such a system – locally or globally, I don’t know – except a few players who noticed this new feature on our website and generated a diploma for their Tennis Contacts profile page before the cyber attacks began in a week or two already, the main ideas underlying my system were copied to a project competition by a malevolent user after 3-4 years, and as my skills in Internet security and my time budget to improve them fast enough didn’t suffice to block these attacks including phishing from the Tennis Contacts server for bank account data of the customers of Western Union, I was forced to move our server from the university DMZ to my office. That was it – a large enough network of gangsters finds a security hole in your project to end any projects this way that they wish to hijack.
Once the dominator monkeys are at convenient positions, shit starts happening. The TDH gangsters don’t just steal, but probably control the job market among many other existential services for us, it seems, and wreck our life completely if we don’t let them control us. For example, I don’t believe already that it is possible for people like me who have sound principles to live in a gangsterspace like Estonia normally after the gangsters here have become interested in a tennis court or any other object of their interest and made contact, to put it mild, to cover up their hijacking activities. These robbers will just laugh at theories like “becoming of age” and other convenient ways of blocking resistance to their aggressions by stupid or careless people. They’ll bully the victims they want to hijack from in ways you probably can’t even imagine. For example, Br’er Jaw and his gangsters are very much sports-oriented (that’s why they are called sports mafia) and they try to control all sports events in Estonia, so if you are a promising marathon runner, for example, and showing resistance to their ways of sucking you into their gang or cult then be prepared for getting scrap shirts in your starter kits wherever you participate, your name misspelled, at the service points of skiing marathons these gangsters deliberately ramming your ski clamps with the obvious goal of simply taking you out of competition, and other ways of making you not willing to participate anymore. I ran a distance as long as a marathon in 2011 (the year when Tallinn was the culture capital of Europe) at the age of 36 for the first time in my life with the result of 3.11, got some immediate attention by the very top long distance runners of Estonia telling me that this first result is very extraordinary, and based on their tips completed the same SEB Tallinn marathon in 3.00 a year later, then 100k in 10.something hours at a relatively private event I was invited to participate in shortly after that and so on. I bet Br’er Jaw and his gangsters are the organizers of events like the SEB Tallinn marathon and they just can’t stand anyone participating who knows that they are just a bunch of hijackers willing to present the results of someone as their own to the public. In other words, you’ll be under attack everywhere because of your talent and your uncompromising resistance to gangs of thugs like that. And in my case, sending these thugs a very clear message that they don’t have the slightest chance of getting me cooperate with their gang of assholes stealing stuff from people who are simply better and bullying them in order to cover it up.
It seems that the basketball monkey mentality has spread all over the areas roamed by the invisible Br’er Jaw and his gang of thugs as we had an incident bearing that signature on the tennis court involving some of Br’er Jaw’s close gangsters. The names of these young TDH gangsters are Alan Uustal and Anders Levandi who called me while on court saying that the key to the hose box has disappeared while heavily giggling. The spectacle went on remarkably. They locked the key in the box where we stored the grooming brush so we had to eventually saw through the lock. The next lock installed on court was stolen within half an hour (!) sending me a clear sign that this system can no longer be used as the gangsters simply had decided so, otherwise leaving the tennis court inaccessible for everybody. And in the official report “justifying” the hijacking of the administration of the tennis court on campus it was mentioned as one of the main reasons why my system is not suitable and has to be taken over by the sports club as the management of keys is just too complicated, another reason being the way I dealt with such monkeys, of course, getting blocked from the court for obvious malevolence after a warning. In other words, the sports club gangsters simply came up with the nefarious scheming of sending a few players to participate in the activities on court in order to block a well functioning system due to the absence of monkeys in our community, and blamed the resultant system (having to return the keys to the university main building about 200 m away at the end of the day or if no one immediately followed in the schedule) on us. On the other hand, below you can watch a couple close gangsters talking slimy-sweetly about their projects to help children and other weaker fellows not just to cover up the nasty behavior of their gang, but in my opinion it considerably adds to such propaganda lies that this video was uploaded in exactly the same summer as their family member together with his sparring partner were outright bullying our community on the university tennis court. You have Allar Levandi, a well-known member (Olympic bronze medalist in the Nordic combined in 1988 and a member of the sports mafia in Estonia as you can see) of the Levandi clan to the left and the invisible Br’er Jaw to the right, apparently the masters of turning their selfish bullying to full-scale persecution of the people in Estonia who don’t obey their system of tampering domination for hijacking up to the point when it becomes unbearable or impossible to live in Estonia:
It all looks very polished, right? That’s the way they do it. If you want to, say, compete with Br’er Jaw in real estate management, you’ll be shown the middle finger right in court in a similar way in Estonia. One of my coop partners, for example, participated in a renovation bid for the Nõmme Tennis Center in Tallinn. His team was very successful, but ended up just short of winning it as Br’er Jaw who was also participating, covered a key detail in his project with a “trade secret” as he put it (a middle finger in fact, to keep him honest), and the jury consisted decisively of the political blockheads whose party Br’er Jaw was financing regularly… And suing Br’er Jaw in the Nõmme region where the majority of politicians of the ruling party are bribed by him (a well-known secret in Tallinn) was a huge eye-opener for my coop partner in how our country – the mafia state of Br’er Jaw, to be exact – is officially managed. It’s just beyond words... This is a huge tragedy for Estonia that the security of theoretically all people living in our homeland, willing to get a job they deserve etc are at the mercy of such a slimy annoying thug and his vast army of bribed gangsters, their slimy behavioral patterns conquering people’s soul health like a contangion. I bet that before Br’er Jaw and his gangsters get treated appropriately, there will be no normal in Estonia – no other way, unfortunately. It’s the same basketball monkey mentality, in other words the tampering domination for hijacking kind of bullying.
In the middle of Figure 1, a visiting student from Russia is enjoying the doubles tournament probably without the slightest idea of the energy flows over the participating students’ heads, so let me describe these, too. The energy flows between the moment the High Heavens of Maltech have been fishing for students for a while and got some on their Secret Hook of Canceling, and the moment the Suitcase of Know-How is handed over to the High Heavens of Maltech by the traitor player who has been infiltrated as an undercover agent into our community of players, are “straightforward” for professional thugs, I guess. In order to keep his gloves on, Br’er Öpik hires Br’er Monkey to keep his gloves on while student work and value created is being robbed and destroyed, respectively. Interestingly, considering Br’er Öpik’s death 3 years later, I kind of have no problems believing in a God that sees and knows everything in this particular case, by the way, although being religious is not my angle of looking at things usually. A month after the locks of the court were changed by the robbers employed at our university, I got decisively knocked aside by a lung mystery which almost cost my life. That was so high tech that I don’t even have the slightest clue how that was done. All of a sudden I found myself pinned to bed for nearly a week with rather limited consciousness, and after managing to go to see the doctor no diagnosis other than “the cough very much sounds like pneumonia”. The slogan that Br’er Jaw holds “#üheskoos” means “#together” in Estonian which has a strong newspeak connotation for people like me telling that “you either cooperate with our gang of thugs or find your way out of Estonia”. The malevolence and destruction that these thugs keep coming up with is just too vast to describe here, but some of it have been mentioned in my post about legalizing the multi-factor murdering of the people whom they aren’t able to wrap around their finger and thus want to bully them like this without any legal obstacles. The police in Estonia say that scheming like that goes beyond their competence, because they are the bribed minions of Br’er Jaw, obviously, the former leader of the Soviet militia. A soulless blockhead, in other words.
And finally, out of the gate flows the criminal “success” of the Eurosluts sitting at the university sports club, meaning the success of hijacking and destroying someone’s work well done… until the clay surface of the university tennis court plays yet another whim and the robbers are left with the situation where they most probably will fabricate new lies explaining why the university tennis court has to be demolished to repeat the history we’ve seen already. And the psychopath grin is temporarily removed until some unsuspecting students are found again and the grin can rule again. According to the information I’ve got, no new visiting students have visited the tennis court in the 6 seasons following the robbery. We had them from more than 10 countries participate all over the northern hemisphere. No tournaments have been held in the last years as opposed to 2 doubles and 3 singles tournaments every season plus 2 of them during the indoor season when the court on campus was administered by the community thanks to whom it still exists. This destruction, by the way, includes my plans to develop a system based on this experience, with IT konw-how that might be very useful to other students studying at our university. Now I am defined as an outsider by the hijackers of our university and that rather fraudulent status per se being the reason why their hijacking is justified by the official report. When are we going to learn from it and have enough of such a demeaning, backward and recurring administrative gangsterspace? And when are we going to respect the life and work of every single one of us instead of the BS language specialists who simply abuse their administrative positions and keep robbing all of us in a totalitarian system established this way?
Now let’s generalize our experience at Tallinn University of Technology for everybody reading this with the help of a very poignant Venn diagram by a fellow Substacker about the banality of evil. Whenever you have nefarious scheming like the one developed by the gangsters Br’er Öpik, Kiira Parre, Andres Braunbrück, Br’er Monkey and the invisible Br’er Jaw shown above let loose in a complex system like Tallinn University of Technology and accompanied by roughly half of the tennis court users who have among other problems too little understanding of or time to think and realize what’s going on behind our backs then what you get is corruption like students helping fraudulent arrogant administrative robbers do their paid work, arbitrary bureaucrats like the Head of Quality Control trying to exercise with impunity ideologically motivated destructive control prohibited by contract, and unanticipated consequences like the brutal hijacking of community work by the university paid personnel combined into manifestations of the banality of evil, which thanks to the extreme sensitivity of the maintenance of clay surface to incompetence among other obstacles to the successful administration of robbery resulted in the following schedule a couple months ago, well over a month into the season when the exams were over for most players and thus additional time freed up for both the students and the professors for tennis practices on campus:

Such an empty schedule makes me blow the whistle to draw attention to yet another situation where the university tennis court is in grave danger of becoming the victim of yet another potentially fatal propaganda attack from the High Heavens of Maltech once the abusers of administrative power come up with new lies leading to why the tennis court needs to be demolished, much like the attack in 2008 despite the newly built fence around the court. Also, it reminds me of many stupid professors at our university who keep parroting the administrative talking points that irreplaceable people don’t exist. These vague threats and dangerous stupidities might seem distant like a polar bear is for a seal it has just spotted across several miles, but will surely be fatal in a while, so this kind of threats should in no way be neglected. And many thanks to the whimsical resurfacing material that we are dealing with here for making it all so plain to see to the public eye, although there was a lot of effort wasted on hijacking the know-how properly i.e. behind our backs. For the fake elite jerks who keep parroting about the absence of results as they are just too corrupt or stupid to see them, I have a question: can you see the absence of my results now? Or are you too obsessed with political correctness and the titles behind your official ideological bullying firewall? As far as I am concerned, that means no title automatically, so as long as thugs like that are allowed to roam our university and our country, I’ll be blocked from studies, it seems. Also, this is how they compartmentalize us, one by one.
The karma we are dealing with at Maltech is one of a homemade Port Royal where pirates from around Estonia congregate. It is a collective disgrace, and a litmus test of the soul health of our entire society. From here we have a long way to a good university, to be honest. I am not affiliated with any particular religion, but this is obviously an evil we should be motivated to deal with. Well, I dealt with it and although the results took a long time coming, when they finally did arrive, it worked like a charm, so it is all doable. In June, July and August the court used to be pretty much full at 9-21 almost every day. Instead of just a booking every other day per the entire renovated clay court by the robbers and maybe a few unsuspecting students, I organized tournaments with over half a hundred participants not only on campus, but in about 10 tennis centers and private courts in Tallinn with a great atmosphere after having culled out the extension gangsters of the sports club trying to scare away people from our community with their winning ugly provocations and other nasty ways of killing recreational tennis activities for everybody. And the gangsters had a reason to be worried – at its peak, i.e. just before the hijacking of the administration of the this court, the number of participants of my summer tournaments exceeded the regular tournaments of the Estonian Tennis Union by a factor of about 2 or 3 already. Among others we had international students from Sweden, Georgia, Russia, Belarus, Belgium, France, Japan, Pakistan, India, Iraq, Nigeria and outside of our university, even a Master’s student from the United States found her way to our tournaments with the help of a search on the web while doing her internship in cyber security in Tallinn. A few other players from abroad joined our community outside the university, too, making our player base truly international, much more so than even our university on the average. As the invisible Br’er Jaw and his gang of thugs have tennis halls of their own with the overall mind-colonization atmosphere that can in no way compete with ours, they are so eager to try to outroot our Tennis Contacts community any way they can. You should attend some events at Br’er Jaw’s tennis center at Tondi during the final stages of Wimbledon, for example, in order to feel the authoritarian atmosphere and get a pretty clear idea of where all the slaves in Estonia are coming from. And to illustrate my point with authoritarianism, make sure to watch the finals of our young future hopes on the Toomas Leius Arena, named after a thug in Br’er Jaw’s gang who strangled his wife to death and with such a display of authoritarianism surely is a fitting figure and symbol to keep everybody on the losing track off court in Estonia, starting from early childhood…
It seems that these inadequate authoritarian satanists can’t stand the way I’ve learned to communicate with the players and the clay surface underneath us properly. The first online tennis court booking system in Estonia in the form of a quick-and-dirty hack of mine was one of the by-products needed, for example, without which none of this would have been possible. It has been replaced by an arbitrary service on the web. Now we are almost back in the year 2002 when 2-3 gangsters from the sports club were using the court even less than what you can see in the screenshot above, and the court had become a horrible visual pollution requiring to be dealt with, the official propaganda being that it is not possible to renovate it so it needs to be demolished… until I assembled a carefully selected community of students, professors and some alumni, and after a few years the court looked like brand new with its clay surface in ideal condition. It turns out that the soul health of a community like this with fluent communication is something that the abusers of administrative power really hate. They can’t stand it as their propaganda addressing stupid people doesn’t work anymore, so they want to destroy it. That’s why administrative positions should not be given to people who are not specialists in the field being administered themselves – it’s just too dangerous for everybody involved. Or just extremely unpleasant and costly in milder cases like ours.
Now that it has happened, a bad idea is to show indifference to the aggression against a well-functioning student project asked for by the bullying university officials themselves that contrary to common belief was able to rescue the opportunity to play tennis on campus and do it on a community basis in a propaganda dispelling and incompetence revealing manner, embarrassingly convincingly for the university administration asking students for help with their paid jobs and in severe violation of the contract, bullying to get rid of the publicly known helpers after a job well done. I call it the perfect face syndrome of the university administration exploiting the students with the help of a brutal breach of contract and other elements of planned robbery of community work. At least the unsuspecting students should know what kind of treatment of students the perfect face of the administrative thugs of our university is covering up for a few years until the lack of deep know-how of the hijackers to troubleshoot the clay court reveals this robbery and the horrible abuse of people by administrative gangsters, resulting in much more different terms of help for rescuing anything, outside any reach of the university administration this time. Or the demolition of the court, if our soullessness and the accompanying stupidity have made our behavior so unjust and destructive already.
What masonry in poor cultural settings will cost many is that they’ll be or have already been forced to leave their homeland. This will be very costly for the Estonians as a nation as the local gangsters clinging to power at all levels of the invisible Br’er Jaw’s system of bribery, be it state executive power or a tennis court on campus, really excel in poor soul health, to put it mild. So we’ll have a bunch of people playing the role of Huckleberry Finn around the world and the rest of us will chew at each other’s throats until there is nothing left to hijack. As a small nation, we should watch out what kind of a Jaw and his gang of robbers are running our country like a private deep state exploiting slave workforce hijacked all over the place as needed by the abusive sociopth gangsters before we run into an unsolvable social conflict and become extinct. That’s a very real threat already after the common good created by the communities possessing good soul health has been destroyed absolutely pointlessly by someone’s abusive administrative ambitions.
Here are the main lessons learned to draw from our experience:
It is unbelievable how much people lie, especially those employed in the domain of public administration;
Administrative power can be easily used to destroy public space and soul health, so never share it with egoist feminists, bitter scientists, arrogant sportsmen or sportswomen, or any other selfish idiots or free eaters with character problems;
Build more traditional clay courts or find other litmus tests where the society is not working to detect problems with the abuse of administrative power;
Before you cancel someone: 1) make sure it resonates with your soul health and that of the other people involved and 2) respect the contract, especially if you asked for help, and not a whim of a masonic feminist psychopath;
Pull yourself together for organizing countercanceling before it is too late!
This was only a very brief overview just to skim the surface of the nefarious scheming of the High Heavens of Maltech on the tennis court on campus with glimpses of the corruption ruling the Student Union and the abuse of the academic personnel as well as the Estonian Internal Security Service. Depending of the results of the donation campaign, I might get some time to elaborate it further. The Nurkse Institute scandal for bribing compliant employees from EU funds for no work done and many other large-scale corruption emanating from Maltech wasn’t even mentioned. All of this badly needs investigation, but not in Aaviksoo style who was appointed to investigate his own corruption. I mean, no joking intended here – that’s the level of total corruption we are dealing with already. Thus if you are one of the very many people who were brutally abused by the administration of our university, lost your job and don’t ever want to hear anything of Tallinn University of Technology then it would be a great idea to pull your memories together and publish your story as shown below at the very beginning of the practical shortcut advice section. This first step is very, very important.
Nobody talks to a sociopath normally. And that’s the end of their success as they’ll get abandoned and by the end of their ego trip become thieves basically. Hijacking community work or state executive power have the same root – abuse of administrative power. It seems that the “perfect face” is the absurdity that they try to come up with to hide their inner vacuum, and this is the way we have somehow let them walk into our lives to mess it up. For example, in Estonia it is known as the sports mafia and at Tallinn University of Technology it is called the basketball mafia. Also, please share your advice that you deem necessary to clean our university of corruption and the abuse and the destruction of the lives of the people capable of turning it into a good university. Thanks to our fellow students, professors and alumni for helping make our university a reliable partner and a good education provider!
My first advice is to encourage all of us who have been abused from an administrative position at Tallinn University of Technology to step up and tell their story in public. You can find our contact email here and I can share your stories right here, like that:
The story of a psychopath running the Department of Geodesy with an expert review of the book by a participating professor just a few months before the proxification of the Student Union by the rectorate and the failed attempt to hijack the administration of the tennis court on campus in 2018 thanks to my defense and most probably the support of some top-ranked professors among others
I admit that this book is not the most telling example of the abuse of administrative power at Maltech, but nevertheless it provides a lot of helpful insight into what the heck is going on at our university and how. I have a nudging feeling and various evidence submitted in private that the simple method that did the trick for the militant thug rector Jaak Aaviksoo and his gang of assistant thugs to break public opposition at our university was the traditional so-called fear therapy that revolved around losing our work and profession in a variety of flavors. As simple as that. And that needs to be dealt with now, alright? Without this evidence in public it is not going to work out, I predict, to get rid of the thugs among us and return to normal. And I very much encourage those of you who are interested in the situation on the Maltech tennis court return to normal, read my post about driving the rationalist vandals out of administrative positions to participate.
Secondly, for the main purpose of keeping the thugs honest, always make a very clear distinction between business and community interests, as suggested by Jon “maddog” Hall in 2002 on his visit to our university to introduce the usage of the GNU Public License. I bet it has to be punishable by years in jail in order to have an effect at Maltech as now, a decade into the Billmasonic Paradigm Shift, so many people are used to stealing already. This is a point where we should learn from the Georgian experience again. About 2 decades ago during the post-Soviet era, everybody was stealing and people were really tired of it. Ask the former president Mikheil Saakashvili how he turned the situation around (other than that, I don’t recommend following his advices though). The ambition to hijack the results of community work is a vast source of corruption, canceling and other ruthless treatment of each other, ending in unresolvable conflicts and easily leading to the disintegration of our societies, as we can see. In other words, it is destroying our soul health.
It is remarkable how the thugs robbing us and our university of good soul health try to cover it up. After a few students in our community filed complaints and inquiries about the pirate and bullying activities from the rectorate targeting the work and value created on campus by the present and past students at our university, thus forcing the rectorate to eventually respond (no replies to my inquiries, just bureaucratic meaningless BS or no reply at all), the Aaviksoo gangsters responded with turning the interviews they were obliged to arrange with these students into interrogations basically about why they were not minding their own business only, i.e. communicating with each other. A comparison with the interrogation methods employed by the KGB during the Cold War would be appropriate here: how many similarities can you find? I found the following two all too similar to the interrogation methods used by thug Aaviksoo and his gang of thugs at our university:
The kgb didn't want to let prisoners talk to each other so whenever they would pass by in the hallways he was shoved into a special cupboard to let the other pass and would instantly fall asleep for a few minutes inside. Sleep deprivation was the worst torture according to him.
To be precise, the Director of Administration during the Jaak Aaviksoo military LGBT regime at our university was Joosep Kaasik, and what he told the students representing our tennis-loving community during his interrogation sessions was that they may not be interested in problems other than their own. Now that’s typical compartmentalization of people and should be punished in a free society. And surprise-surprise – a couple years after the hijacking of the administration of the tennis court he was already leading the police bullies of the enterpreneurs who refused to check COVID-19 passports of their customers as well as dispersing peaceful demonstrations against such an apartheid regime being imported to Estonia. That’s a lot of abuse of administrative power in about two and a half of years that have caught my eye. And regarding the deprivation of one’s basic rights, it is exactly what thugs like Joosep Kaasik, Jaak Aaviksoo and other spiritually perverted employees wreaking havoc at educational institutions are after, call it the deprivation of study peace or in a more honest way – panic mode that is switching off half of your brain as the thugs infiltrated into the police are bullying you for pathological fun unless you kiss their ass… Dominator thugs like Joosep Kaasik and Jaak Aaviksoo should be sitting in jail in a free society, and under no circumstances be given a chance to lead police forces or get any other opportunities for abusing their administrative positions.
In fact all four rectors of our university in the current century so far – Peep Sürje, Andres Keevallik, Jaak Aaviksoo and passively Tiit Land, too – have been involved in wreaking havoc at our university, as far as the tennis court on campus is concerned, or maintaining the results. Peep Sürje is responsible for the attack planned in 2008 and thwarted by me with the help of a timely intervention from the Tallinn City Government. Andres Keevallik is directly responsible for promoting the militant thug Jaak Aaviksoo to sow destruction all over our university, and helping cover up the culprits of and any rollback of the destruction thus caused upon my inquiries. Jaak Aaviksoo is responsible for the destruction of the future of lots and lots of people at our university whom we should be very thankful to instead, and turning our university from a functioning academic environment into a political LGBT slum without study peace for the politically incorrect students (those who don’t react to the LGBT style provocations in an ass licking way, to put it short), in other words the independent minds capable of actually learning and mastering anything properly. And the current rector Tiit Land is responsible for completely ignoring my requests to do something about the situation, i.e. do a rollback of the robbery as far as I am directly concerned with the overall abuse of administrative power at our university.
Now that the High Heavens of Maltech have defined themselves as the sluts of Microsoft, to be honest, a bunch of spiritually very low-level pirates that the students can never trust, and the tools of a new occupant lustily switching to the sexual and indoctrination standards established in our country via our university by the Billmasons from copying the insignia of far-away universities like Stevens Institute of Technology where I studied in the fall of 1995, it is a little bit funny to see that they’ve protected their code of ethics with a password:
Academic Integrity at Stevens Institute of Technology
My wild guess of the message to the Maltech gangsters here is a very clear one: create something – e.g. a code of ethics – on your own for a change, especially now that you are facing the results of the banality of your own evil, as everything on the Internet is not supposed to be copied and pasted like student work on your missing professional know-how, you abusive help-begging community effort hijacking s***s! Regarding myself, well, I’d be really harsh on them, too, so here is my message to the High Heavens of Maltech in the Euroslut language (large amounts of money in Euro, that is) which is apparently the only one they understand at their current stage of decay: my salary after graduation was more than that of a Member of Parliament in Estonia, I can remember, so multiply that by at least two decades of administrative persecution, being a severe breach of the contract that you agreed to follow as a precondition to any efforts from my side to rescue your frigging clay court on campus and resulting in the loss of my job due to your relentless bullying, and you’ll have at least a couple millions of euros to pay before any serious negotiations involving any kind of trust can take place. I have made long-term plans associated with this rescue project as you know from the contract, culminating with a comeback to academic work in the area of my practical experience in programming the system, which your irresponsible unprofessional bullying has screwed up thoroughly. Everything has a price for people so stupid as to not understand the value of soul health of good universities, so you’ve got a preliminary understanding of the one associated with your pirate pathological fun made troubleshooting the tennis court on campus. And here comes another advice: never help stupid unethical people before removing the slightest amount of control of theirs over the object to be rescued, as even contracts with universities where such people dominate won’t help.
The alternative, of course, is to be left without those who create value in Estonia, especially the value not directly measurable by money, as in-formation about the psychopath sluts running our university for the psychopath dominators abroad spreads like wildfire hopefully, despite all the efforts to block free and true speech nowadays. That’s a simple and potentially very rewarding point to keep in mind for everyone drifting towards a Proxy-Estonia, I should point out to all the perfect face slaves-in-becoming over there. It is not the gangsterlands that should thrive, but the societies that value basic dignity and the common good instead, helping other societies avoid the spread of such attitude problems like a beacon. Human beings are just too stupid on the average to understand this by less concrete means, so keep your eye closely on the Maltech clay court and other such litmus tests around as if you were looking at a glass sphere that foretells your future. Next after selling (letting weaponize) your soul health to the Billmasons come your everyday language as the native Americans have pointed out, the rest of our culture and so forth driving you towards the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah to end your attitude problems. In other words, there are limits, enough is enough, and communicating this awareness to my people the hard way should be done on time. If the native Americans or other people with valuable practical experience have any more advice to share, I’d cite it here gladly.
Regarding the concerns with political speech and the game of musical chairs raised on Substack that I noticed after setting up the initial version of this post I am updating now for better readability, I have some very simple and straightforward advice to give: deal with those only who are looking for conflict, not with someone’s self-defense, and that’s all basically that you need to solve this kind of problems completely. In other words, keeping the initiators honest is constructive action, while messing with self-defence isn’t, and oftentimes just holding the assholes in contempt as a society can be the only peaceful solution. I can provide a practical example, of course, to illustrate this point. In my childhood I attended tennis practices as a hobby. We had a good spirit as a team and that has lasted over the decades, except for a few incidents. I don’t know why, probably it’s plain envy combined with the problems that creativeness in an unwise direction can create, but there is a lot of negative social pressure towards creative people producing value from those who aren’t. And that negativity towards creative people who are able to come up with the goods of their own when needed, of course, is what the dominators are very eager to harness in their perverted ways against these creators whom they fear. We had an extremely non-creative player from a family with a clear dominator problem in our group, his name is Heigo Karask. Despite his father’s, say, performances courtside, we got along well with each other in childhood, but decdes later, something very strange happened. Another guy on our team was Timo who comes from the family of a very well-known artist, studied architecture at the Estonian Art Academy and has some results of his own creativity earning him prizes at an enterpreneurship competition, I can remember, so he is definitely on the creative side of the spectrum and capable of coming up with the goods of his own. Regarding myself, well, I have come up with a whole range of goods of my own in my life, so I am clearly in the creators camp. This guy Timo – who despite all his tricks is an experienced and clever communicator – one day during a tennis practice asked me whether Heigo had relatively recently attempted to, say, condition my mind with the clear intent of incriminating a demeaning image of him. You can think of this opinion nudging kind of text in question as that of a bunch of elderly female participators of an afternoon gossip hour blurting out fuzzy slogans and unfinished sentences in order to brainlessly slander a selected target. I confirmed that what Heigo had told me about Timo was word for word the same basically as what he had told Timo about me. Thus, thanks to Timo’s instincts that didn’t deceive him, we discovered an obvious gang of blockheads like the family Heigo is coming from and many more that were not very difficult for us to infer, busy with trying to pit independent minds against each other like that in Estonia. Now that’s really, really bad for our country, considering the positions that are manned with retards like that. So the advice here and a lesson for the proxy dominators is to never START a nasty political kind of rant, CONDUCT a game of musical chairs or engage in other control games for pathological fun OR end up being ridiculed as a complete asshole in posts like the one you are currently reading for the whole world to read and comment, alright? In general, attempts to provoke conflicts like that can and should be ignored, but it is not always the case with keeping some of us honest in worldwide public being one of the main reasons why.
My general advice is to work really hard on our soul health starting with our communication level to stay above the level of primitive destruction (e.g. masonic bitch mode feminism) where meaning is replaced by the facades of a totalitarian empire of ignorance, as we as a species have a strong potential of being destructive – or, at times, exactly the opposite, if we are lucky. Interfaces are useful, but don’t work in corrupted societies like the ones infected by a totalitarian regime. We should avoid leaving power to masonry, feminism of similar stripes, Catholicism and other movements with a strong record of the abuse of administrative power. Regarding our fellow students at Tallinn University of Technology in the current situation, I advise to keep an eye on and get ready to keep the sports club thugs honest about the existence of the clay court on campus if you don’t want it to simply disappear anytime soon. It would surely have happened in 2002 if we had not stood in the way. After the hijacking we’ve already made inquiries at various levels of administration. Unfortunately, nobody reacted meaningfully to our notifications at or outside of our university, including the thug rector Jaak Aaviksoo and the Chancellor of Justice, Ülle Madise. I believe that hijacking the administration of the tennis court of the largest university in Estonia and legalizing activities like killing people who write a lot in Estonia have a very large common denominator, so any contributions to block the abuse of administrative power are very welcome. I can’t put it better than a fellow fighter (?) has already worded it, so who wants to meet the giant elephant in the room and join our community of recreational tennis players for a way out? You’ll find our contact email address on our website. Any sincere questions are welcome, including from the reasonable professors at our university, but malevolent communication blockers are not welcome and we have decades of experience in detecting them early.
Regarding the olympics triggeroo post, here comes credit to the author when credit is due. It seems that Tage Danielsson has really broken through to a female Substacker finally with his Tale of the Great Word Rationing that ended with a Todo for the female half of us, so congrats and thanks for a successful attempt at extending the word rationing campaign to the heartspeak motormouths (or whatever the correctest translation of the last 2 words of this tale is) in order to enjoy a more meaningful performance for the subscribers and a more successful life according to Tage. I guess that the post I am currently writing is way too long already, so I ought to soon shut up, too. I suggest that the students and other players in our community, if they have the time to reach that far, read about the triggeroo which very much applies to how the administration manages student energy and what happened to our community at Maltech. Also, please comment below what you think of a joint philosophical cooperation for mutually supporting our presence where it belongs and get into the habit of offering resistance to each other be thrown under the bus, be it the presence of our community system designed specifically for the users of the tennis court at Tallinn University of Technology that wouldn’t exist without us for a couple decades already among other reasons, or the presence of the somewhat similarly, although much more tragically abused tribes of native Americans on their land practicing their ancestral faith legally. And thanks for pointing out the difference between trolling and persecution. At Maltech, for example, the LGBT violence against old-school professors who just can’t adopt academically incorrect methods of teaching, has clearly been of persecutive nature, in addition to extensive political bullying all over the place. Therefore the LGBT movement, for example, should be viewed as political bullying and persecution rather than the defense of the rights of a group which is seldom or never the case. And the way the LGBT activists thrust straws into the souls of the people at universities being hijacked, or their toes into the noses of those whose minds are being hijacked at a very practical everyday level, in other words, is that after secretly examining the mindset of the next group of people to be converted to the LGBT faith by force using provocations like forcing everyone to use intellectually demeaning language at educational institutions or changing the university logo to a pink-and-violet ideological weapon in public as the first in a series of steps to eventually block the politically incorrect students from education or the professors from their profession, the ones found not compliant are brutally made to leave the institution and face continued persecution outside the university, as I have witnessed and experienced. And because of all that, obviously, the LGBT circus is not acceptable in our societies, in addition to many other reasons.
To summarize the insight drawn from my personal experience with administrative ideological bullying in Estonia in general and at Tallinn University of Technology in particular after the ideological capital was irresponsibly granted entrance to our country despite my massive early warnings, I should point out that the flow of hypnotization was very straightforward in the Masonic Maltech machinery: firstly the donations from Microsoft hypnotized the top administration of our university, secondly a brutal thug was appointed rector to terrorize and convey the hypnotization effect to the professors, and thirdly, through the bribed young officials of the Student Union finally to the student organizations and pretty much every other corner of our university, assisted with “love” by the masses of brainwashed female success enthusiasts and the rest of the problem apparatus of our yes-man society. Administrative violence and persecution was all that was needed to establish such a paradigm shift. The resistance of our community to such an extreme rationalist System of Hijacking for Domination functioned very well at community level with the barking of a soulless control freak in the cover photo going practically ignored by our community, but the real conversion took place between the wheels behind the doors of the authoritarian administrative bureaucracy departments where the will of a few bureaucrats decided the outcome without the overwhelming majority even given a chance to speak up. The lesson learned is to block the bureaucrats from dominating the processes in our institutions and make the decision-making transparent. Apparently just the know-how stolen wasn’t enough for the successful management of the tennis court on campus as we have witnessed in the schedule which they couldn’t foresee, so on the background of these lucky circumstances I have a very important message to all clay court maintenance specialists (and similar): exploit the whim of the red clay surface for the common good of protecting our societies from hijackers and learn from our experience not to let the experience and know-how of keeping the clay courts playable and the communities functioning slip into bad hands.
It is massive what the canceling malevolence can do to the personal lives of the people whom we should be grateful to for our own welfare, or how it can harm our societies as it starts accumulating due to the overall apathy among us. We really need to learn how to block such vandalism, wasted energy, stagnation and so forth which accompanies the spread of this kind of a soulless attitude problem if we don’t want to end up living in a society of poverty and misery. Under such conditions as described in this post the state, its universities and other institutions run by such abusers of administrative power has become the traitor of its people in Estonia. Left without work, a profession I’ve worked half of my life on, even from my IT studies for someone’s selfish administrative ambitions at our university as it seems, without medical assistance in emergency situations and at the mercy of someone’s whim of a criminal ruling local yes-man traitor gang of a foreign dominator in my homeland, let alone not being part of a family anywhere close to normal nor negotiability after my grandparents passed away, willingfully part of a satanic cult destroying the family as such as well as the grand work of my grandparents, I am simply not a member of such a mafia state, can never be, and I’d better find a place to defend from such a future. I am like Huckleberry Finn on a raft after taking the decision to end this trauma theater after having barely escaped alive, that’s what.
Some winning-ugly specialists in tennis have said that opinions are like assholes – everybody’s got one. Well, may there be a lot of honest, wildly differing opinions to make this how-to complete. You can use the commentary space below for that purpose. By complete I mean ideal, i.e. you can’t take stuff away from the system without causing it to become dysfunctional, in contrast to the systems where there isn’t any room left for cramming more stuff in, so please be reasonable as the winning-ugly smell can go either way. Having just one cooperation partner locally and another one abroad to counter the winning ugly mentality discussed in this how-to in a growing network of community leaders accompanied by their communities can make a huge difference, it seems. Paid Substackers should do more, I suggest, acting as dispatchers of our vital communication pathways between each other, so we can connect to these dispatcher points and pick our information exchange partners flexibly, for which Substack seems to be a suitable enough platform. I encourage the players of our recreational tennis community to leave any thoughts in the comments: what do you think of such a network for de-dominatoring roadmaps development on e.g. Substack in order to keep our soul health out of the range of any further globalist attacks, and our remains of a functioning recreational tennis community restore the number of our practice mates to where it was prior to the lockdowns, pseudovaccine passport apartheid, warmongering, economic bullying and other ways of dividing some of us like toys by a bunch of international financial terrorists with an obedient army of bribed local psycho- and sociopaths? And I have a question to everybody else, too: if you consider it important what the development of a working rescue model here for an already near-disintegrating community has to offer to you and other coop partners potentially in safeguarding our communication to keep it flowing then would you support it financially or is it rather not of priority like that in your opinion?
During turbulent times, always take a look behind the facade, don’t trust interfaces or the hypnotized perfect faces of those among us with pathological behavior, and never let become hypnotized by the abusers of people or by their victims. In other words, assign meaning to your words properly, filter out the noise (BS) coming from all the provocateurs, propagandists, hijackers, murderers and other interested parties at different stages of their malevolent actions who fail to do so, and be honest outside of the High Heavens of your personal spiritual wonderland in order to establish not just respect, but also trust between each other in reality – that’s how we should get our inside out as a society and a non-sivilization, i.e. as a globally harmonious community or at least a civilization worth existence and the respect and trust of its members. Something useful to consider in tennis about the administration of clay courts scattered all over the world is that they can’t be slaughtered like children or be burnt down like cities by a bunch of satanists easily, so use this surface to detect the abuse of administrative power at e.g. our institutions of higher education and other grounds to keep yet another Port Royal for somebody from taking root. Be it the abuse of administrative power by the rationalist vandals near Oslo, in Tallinn, on Maui or whatever the next popular hijacking site happens to be, the scenarios bear the signatures of the same kind of people – the tampering dominators for hijacking taking advantage of the poor soul health of suitable minions to help with their evil interests:
(you can find the same video on Rumble and scroll to 22.7-25.13)
Regarding the renaming our university to a ridiculous trademark, such linguistic bullying is weaponizing our everyday language basically in order to get rid of the ideologically disobedient folks on campus, it seems. The next stage is direct confrontation with some ideologically bullying professors, or if you are stubborn enough to continue showing up then the secret service circus is something they throw at you before, well, you get a mysterious lung inflammation out of the blue and will be soon facing a probably fatal medical condition instead. I don’t think such abuse of people was acceptable in our society in the short-lived independence era before, and this change happened roughly when Microsoft set its foot at our university. I could feel that paradigm shift literally, it was all over our university, and it was clearly a paradigm shift towards unrestrained bitch mentality, and that was the tipping point when all the idiots of our country could start stealing by provoke-and-canceling, which is obviously the end of a functioning society, basically. The Euroslut rules now and prison waits any disobedient residents having been robbed, bullied or otherwise made not happy with the rule of the new colonizer assisted by its ideological selection of ruthless minions.
Strange as it seems, in spite of the Soviet regime and all the problems that accompanied it, there were de facto elite schools operating in some parts of the former Soviet Union at least in the latter half of its existence. To be honest, the practical peasant minds nowadays badly need a reliable elite of their own, too. At these schools, depending on the particular pedagogue, every once in a while quite useful ideas for tackling our current situation would be shared. I feel that the following pedagogical comment in the classroom from these times made by our class teacher about the young ladies whom she considered to be going over the edge, and slightly extended by me in order to make this post maybe a little bit less negative, is probably the most appropriate one to end this rant: “I can see your big boobs [and I’ve got no problem with that], but what else have you got?”