Lurking bitch-powered masonic tyranny rearing its head in Estonia as a multifactor murdering scheme applicable to dissidents and other obstacles to consolidate bribed totalitarian power gets legalized
delivered as draft law by the "assisted suicide" secondary truth false flag cooperation of the masonic feminists exclusively

Please take a look at a short, but important foreword to this how-to series.
For the past few months I’ve been reading posts and blogs on Substack on the topic of soul health in order to find the best possible way to deal with some problem situations that need to be addressed in public thoroughly. I’ve found a few interesting authors here, of which one will be heavily cited in this post in order to lay a solid theoretical foundation for the concepts in our spiritual world that need to be discussed or referred to as well as introduce some helper vocabulary, but a few other authors, too, in this one and the next more concrete how-to bundle concerning the most critical soul health bugfixes badly needed at Tallinn University of Technology. I hope that you bear with me as I’ve optimized my writing style for max clarity, not politeness while, say, playing pushers again which I feel is appropriate for the anti-propaganda purpose at hand involving spiritual presence in both its positive and negative energy.
I can feel that our brain has mechanisms for blocking satanic content from damaging itself and its emotional pathways to the heart, so that’s a large part of the reason why it has taken me so many years to come to writing this guide, the other reasons being the complexity of this topic, my health condition and the accompanying problems with physical endurance. Whenever anyone seriously deals with counteracting satanic violence, expect delays in orders of magnitude like 10 or 100 times longer than planned on a regular basis to come up with quality working results. Without cardio exercise or substantial support from other people it is physically not doable, I believe, at least not in a typical health condition, so it clearly includes a substantial amount of resources for physical preparation as well as teamwork. That’s also why you see so many donation campaigns in this area.
The general topic I would like to address throughout this how-to series is the abuse of administrative power as it is something that really has turned my life upside down and is causing most of the destruction around us nowadays. Such abuse associates with a wide range of topics such as the malevolent extreme of rationalism, fighting robots, the banality of evil, and so on. In this post the focus is on keeping the bitch mode feminists (aggressively egoist gangster women often lacking manners, that is) honest as currently the most important part of resistance against the abuse of administrative power in my homeland and many other countries in the Western World as my experiences and observations suggest.
As a little warm-up prelude to a larger literary fight against the bitch mode feminist robots currently trying to literally make taking lives in Estonia legal, in order to establish some ground and grab some helpful vocabulary, let’s start with the observation that fighting robots nowadays nearly without even mentioning the word “feminist” so far doesn’t gain trust in current practice, let alone establish justice. As far as I’ve seen, where’s smoke there’s fire, so my interpretations of what my eyes will further see are based on such a context of earlier verified personal experience, i.e. lack of trust in feminist propagandists in the Western World nowadays or other inherently malevolent egoist initiatives by default. I hope that my following counterpropaganda, if you like, to the above referenced story of the little boy with a violent dad will help keep the so-called robot fighters honest in the heartspeak department (i.e. the verbal preference of pushing one’s interests, including the selfish ones in the name of love, the way I understand it) where being correcter in the imagination of certain egoist critics seems to be a priority reserved to the heartspeak specialists. I would be more than happy to be proved wrong, but it currently seems that the heartspeak trolls at one problem location or another will eventually prove me right anyway. Nevertheless my acknowledgements go to Tessa and others whom I’ve cited in this guide and I wish you good luck in doing it your way, but honestly and with integrity, thanks. It seems that you are improving and I hope that so do I as a result of a “mutually enriching experience” as you put it, but I can’t see a way for consistently unreliable people to become reliable, unfortunately, so I guess we just have to continue “enjoying” large gaps between their theories and current practice, and process the output accordingly, unless we don’t really break through to them with a relentless way of keeping them honest. I hope that a practical how-to series like the one that the following rant is part of, is good enough to serve this purpose.
Helping and helping and helping people without earning their trust first like a traditional Russian politician is going to yield unstable, partial or worse results. The above referenced problem setup focusing on violence and involving a little boy, for example, in the context of the variety of abuse we are facing today is of rather propagandist nature, can well invite misleading or inaccurate i.e. undesired social solutions to real problems left unsolved, and spreading misandry on top of it doesn’t help either in spite of all the neat packaging. Additionally, signs of censorship like view counts here and there being decremented on Substack, fresh subscribers labeled techno-trolls (search for “opinion provided“, then “hypocritical trolls” after clicking on “Expand full comment”) by the so-called robot fighters for no true reason or expunged from subscriber lists for agreeing with a strong but valid opposing opinion with added clarity (search for “idiots“), or the following video that I referenced in an earlier post disappearing from YouTube make me even wonder whether we might be dealing with a Trojan here, i.e. a false flag operation by the lurking dominator heartspeak robot camp against free speech all over the robot fighter space going on as we get indoctrinated by exciting pre-solved problems with robots i.e. fake non-working solutions in the critical situations of reality being pushed in order to be discovered too late by us to just fool and distract us:
The anatomy of window cleaning liquid drinking heartspeak specialists (for additional depth, you can find a link to my earlier comment about the “window cleaning liquid drinking” heartspeak specialist phenomenon in the post-Soviet gangsterspace below)
It’s something like brain surgery without physical contact. I haven’t been able to figure out yet for sure how all these signs should be interpreted as a whole, but lurking heartspeak pros distorting our world using indirection (nudging public opinion without integrity like charlatans) for all those following is clearly the case waiting to be balanced in this post. I’ll do it by contrasting this relatively misleading propagandist help being offered with the so-called assisted “suicide” – or rather, false flag assisted political opponents assassination scheming, most probably – counterpropaganda that has recently become relevant in Estonia by taking a practical look at how to play pushers from the masonic feminist heartspeak robot camp and why. We might not be dealing here with a case of intended propaganda as the story of the little boy obviously makes a valid point amid being propagandist in today’s context, but I have my doubts, and keeping even the unintended propaganda balanced is a good idea anyway.
In a nutshell, it’s high time to focus on holding the mostly female proxy tyrants (see below) accountable for their actions in Estonia and most probably in many other parts of the Western World, and do it early and decisively. As you’ll see in the following and other parts of this guide, it is an existential fight against the remote tyrants abroad actually that starts in the spiritual realm, but we can’t ignore its manifestations in our everyday practices requiring a quick fix either as opposed to relatively distant theories. The former importantly among other things serve as feedback back to our spiritual realm where currently our focus had better be firmly on the disarmament of Masonry (i.e. the activities of the Freemasons; those of you having less or more nerve for satanic content can listen to five or fifty minutes of the experiences of a few brave survivors of satanic ritual abuse to get an idea) of their existential weapon – the systematic corruption of women into what I would refer to as totalitarianism-driven lurking dominators, i.e. handy control freaks or just useful idiots being bribed, envious, greedy, blinded by power or whatever else their motivation happens to be. This topic can get complicated, so let’s define some additional vocabulary first in order to keep the overall flow as simple to follow as possible, and provide some background reading to those with the time and interest in the direction where we strive not to be heading, underlying the leading need for this post. It’s really tough to keep the following deliver positive emotions, but I’ll try to do my best to at least avoid causing the readers any brain inflammations.
First of all, let’s assume that according to the observations of Einar Laigna, which are strongly backed by decades of my personal practical experience, ALL valuable human undertakings created by the givers will be hijacked by the takers, in other words in human societies the creators will always be attacked by the hijackers. It can take just a few seconds, maybe get hijacked at idea level before even created, or a thousand years, but the tendency of our undertakings to fall into the hijacking hands of the takers or more specifically the dominators (defined below) often with a pointless and destructive outcome is strongly present everywhere for a stupidly mysterious reason which usually belongs to the category of the abuse of administrative power nowadays. In my firm belief this is exactly the tipping point of the security of our rights, dignity and freedoms where we either fight all out against the robbers right at this point and have what belongs to us for the rest of our life at all levels, or we lose, well, pretty much everything most probably, as far as our present trends worldwide are concerned (e.g. own nothing and be happy). Such is humankind, the circumstances or whatever the reason for such corruption is statistically. Based on my experience, however, I have developed a belief backed by decades of practical experience that communities of carefully selected personalities can make a huge difference in the lifetime of such undertakings, which boils down to the question how long we can keep the hijacking dominators out of our communities. Moreover, such communities serve as a beacon for the lonely ones among us (allegedly more than 60% of our total nowadays) who seek reasonable company to escape the hijackers, and are basically the parallel structures described by Vaclav Havel in 1978 (the beginning of the end of the Soviet regime) in his book “The Power of the Powerless“.
Secondly, let’s assume on the basis of one of my earlier posts and lots of evidence that the hypothesis of masonic bitch mode feminism, or masonic feminism in short, which is the main tool nowadays for undermining the soul health of our societies as described by Maria Madise in her article referenced below, very much holds nowadays, so we should be smart, tackle the numerous problems with the masonic beast and other, competing dominator beasts in a reasonable order, and in order to keep the tyrant dominator out of our backyard, focus on dealing with the gang of masonic feminist lurking dominators above all, i.e. the proxy tyrants living next to us on the ground as opposed to the High Heavens of distant billionaire dominators usually out of our reach, which is the first and according to my experience the most important step in the process of the derobotization of the contemporary human being of the Western World, and is quickly becoming an existential problem for us. Somehow we’ve got to get the critical mass of us to understand where and how the masonic hijackers, i.e. the remote tyrants (often the same as the so-called deep state, I guess) and their temporary extension minions – propagandists, provocateurs, blackmailers, hijackers, cancel movement activists, maimers, murderers and potentially many more hooligans in this series – keep trying to bury our souls, and how we as a society can reanimate the paralyzed souls among us again for smooth communication as part of our own security. I feel that it had better be the women themselves for best results who deal with the masonic feminists – let’s call it restoring order on Venus. I should point out that Tessa has done quite a good job in the deparalysis department and I see that this part of my plan has at least partial theoretical support among those “not complying with tyranny on the ground” and “refusing to throw our brothers and sisters under the tyrannical bus”, which I am very glad about, but we’ll be filtering out cheap talk again when it comes to holding the cooperators in contempt in practical situations and preserving context when presenting them in different light in public in order to avoid PR effects for the masses of the inexperienced, and the betrayal and undermining of the work of our fellow fighters, among other serious and potentially fatal errors. This is not a game for unreliable drunken puppies carelessly autogenerating “reality” from their imaginary spiritual wonderlands – people can get killed, let alone hit the highway if a sober experienced puppy group leader fails getting it his way. Also, speaking of the nuisances so far that I personally dislike, the writing style in the section “Light at the end of the tunnel” of her God vs Control essay gets too reminiscent of the way our ultramasonic feminist rabbit president Kersti Kaljulaid who loudly loves sex with robots and political tourism, in an embarrassing manner even for her supporters lectured live on TV after returning from Africa how to efficiently communicate with the local people over there by literally barking while gesticulating grotesquely on stage: “Do you want digital ID? Yes we do. Do you want e-governance? Yes, we do.” and so forth. That’s just an irritatingly primitive style of useful idiots that would be wise to avoid. By the way, before the severely undemocratic upgrade of Kersti Kaljulaid from an unknown Eurobureaucrat to a “president”, pretty much no one had ever heard of her, yet she was appointed President of Estonia by means of a formal spectacle in our parliament, much like a rabbit being pulled out of a hat, so I am referring to this incident every time I use the term “rabbit president”. Unfortunately for this post, all the videos of this clown for the circus have been swiftly removed from the Internet by her PR team, I guess, so all you can do is look at a photo and imagine the audio. In other words, it is high time to wake up from the puppy dreams of exercising one’s will in a hell-or-high-waters manner and get into the habit of acting with responsibility and respect for the efforts and the inclusion of every reliable single one of us sharing the same goal of driving the gang of dominators out of power, and not screw the de-dominatoring efforts of each other by pushing domination cooperators pulled out of context upon any “change of mind”. So please pay attention to keeping the questionable changes in context in order not to turn your potentially good efforts to PR campaigns for the beast, thanks. If a video has been pulled out of context like that then please don’t ask anyone to send it to their mainstream friends or else there is no way I can take you seriously as an ally – not under heavily explained circumstances either. On the other hand, I agree to how a victim Brianne put it (at about 12.16-12.37): “All it takes is a little push from somewhere and then, poof, they’re gone.“ The public and private masks that guys like that are wearing are usually the complete opposites according to my experiences.
I’ll grab a few more terms from the work published by the above mentioned fellow Substacker who has been around here for many years and done a substantial amount of helpful reusable work already. I am new here, so I don’t know a lot of Substackers yet, but there is a lot of her work to reference in this post, fortunately. As a funny coincidence, a character drill and an example of the so-called invisible touch that I mirrored back to her in one of my earlier posts, I find the behavior of someone labeling one of her subscribers in the list a troll for fun and expunging from her list for an uncomfortable yet valid opinion on the one hand, and after such an intro to a new subscriber bring up topics like “hurt people hurting people” as a need for help on the other hand, somewhat fishy like the logic of a lurking dominator swimming stubbornly toward more control, so I wish good luck with proving the opposite. To be precise, that sort of behavior can get very problematic, so I started keeping distance automatically for a reason – if followed with additional incoherences of narcissist stripe, there will most probably be no end to “getting hurt”, amplifying the BS without feedback at will, and a big waste of time and energy. Keeping people honest at a distance works much better than confronting a lurking dominator in a meaningless conversation, so we’ll see over time what the level of narcissism is in this particular case. As you may have noticed, I am here just to keep my share of people – those who give me hope of having the potential to improve – honest in this world in order to prevent the language of window cleaning liquid drinking heartspeak specialists discussed a few months ago from spreading. In other words, I consider avoiding heartspeak of the bullshit-in-the-name-of-love stripe and other breeding grounds for bitch mode feminists, masonic or organic, to be crucial to really keep an eye on regularly nowadays. I don’t call it help by default, but it is perfectly valid to do so if it happens to be important enough. Her insights about totalitarianism are excellent for some reason, however, so let’s focus on the positive side and reuse her definition of the hypnotized living under the influence of a dominator, and point out that sometimes it is useful for the author describing the problems we are dealing with to have a conversation with the hypnotized or the tyrant in the mirror herself in order to maybe refresh her memory and heal unreliability for a change, whichever role of these she happened to play. As for other readers, I certainly recommend to not miss the video “The Depth of Healing“ at the end of her post dealing with the exchanges of energy along with a hearty thanks to Tessa for a thorough overview of the basics to keep this post shorter.
Besides keeping the heartspeak pros honest, it is important to understand that keeping lies out of the way doesn’t mean being harsh, but it just means keeping the problems solvable. The smell of a propagandist mind wasn’t present in her excellent short stories of the pre-scamdemic era like “Deprecating Free Will: A Future We Don't Have to Accept”, so whatever happened in the interim, I recommend her to take a good rest from helping like a misleading politician, and whenever possible, try to avoid the, say, controlled propagandist style in our overall drift towards an era of massive distortion that needs to be stopped, before it becomes an ugly habit producing confusion and destruction. I don’t know, maybe it is too harsh to comment like this, but in our current situation the impact of such practices of spreading in-formation as the story of a little boy referenced above suitable for spreading misandry has in my opinion become just too suitable nowadays for spreading negative energy left and right in a seemingly loving manner and pitting us meaninglessly against each other. What if the little boy had grandparents as the role models for his future life instead of his parents, supporting his fight against satanic treatment, and the boy grew up loathing deceit and violence more than anything else? Her fiction is the exact opposite, or in other words, the distortion of reality for many such boys already trapped an unable to get out, making the trap deeper and deeper pointlessly. There are ways to keep violent men honest a large part of the time unlike many violent leftist women nowadays so far, for example, so we shouldn’t generalize without responsibility. By the way, such cheap talk is the reason why the domain of so-called love is so full of truths and bullshit alike in our everyday practice and therefore often not well-suited for a reliable analysis. We’d better rely on our personal experience, keep the blind deification of authorities in contempt – be they an elite of distant dominators remotely trying to control us or gangs of lurking dominators close by – and ignore their Ego by focusing on the unity of opposites. Of course, we should e.g. help the police do their work as long as they are doing it with responsibility and haven’t degenerated into human robots – not like the ones who were patrolling all the hotels in our street during the scamdemics, threatening to close down businesses if everyone wasn’t jabbed with a potentially deadly liquid, and getting one woman in a nearby house killed this way, after which I started discussing articles about mass formation by Mattias Desmet openly and such police violence quickly disappeared, – and there are exceptions to the general rule when we e.g. should prioritize constructive tolerance towards each other for well-functioning relations in our societies, but I have a nudging feeling that the above mentioned connotation of the story of the little boy might have become more of an anti-solution to stopping violence the mainstream way a long time ago already.
I hope that by now the attention of the reader is not only on the terms being used, but also on how to be very careful with using our language in super sensitive contexts and consider the potential consequences. In other words, it’s time for us to focus on what really matters and for the heartspeak trolls to go away. The remaining terms that I would like to define are presented in bold and defined by the surrounding context below.
As a rule of thumb, I strongly agree that we as human beings should put a lot of effort into keeping our level of communication high above destructive primitivism and avoid getting our readers who are usually tuned into love – whatever that means in concrete contexts – potentially hypnotized by fear and other annoying negative energy whenever possible. However, when dealing with monsters in our current practice – as you’ll probably agree after having read the following – it is often not reasonable or even possible, unfortunately. I believe though that the amount of negative energy required can be minimized by keeping our language meaningful and showing basic respect for the work of all the other people who share our goal of driving the hijacking dominators (i.e. the fake elite and their extension gangs of lurking dominators) out of our ground, but have different strategies for achieving it, and paying attention to other basics of responsible, respectful conduct. It surely can’t be done by putting words into the mouths of our fellow independent human beings and other disrespectful manipulations of this kind, so we should be careful with our narratives and really make sure that we remain trustworthy. In other words, we must really care about our current practice, not just the relatively distant theory, avoid distortion and expose the truth if getting rid of the masonic style empire of dumbing us down, pre-thought thoughts, massive ignorance or whatever you prefer to call it is what we really want and deserve instead of recognizing while staring at the beast in the mirror that a larger beast might originally have been here for a serious, nasty reason unlike the current “genius” of the masonic stripe who tries to force us to degenerate into bastards and thieves like itself as a result of the lack of character due to the lack of soul health, systematically rapes its own soul among many others out of stupidity, and only in a world of confusion like this can become capable of further undermining our societies in order to be able to steal the work and destroy the lives of the people who distance themselves from dehumanizing activities as they naturally refuse to drop below the level of basic human dignity nor cooperate with the current hijacking dominator to consolidate the power of its perverted dumbing-down cult.
I consider love to be an umbrella term especially in practical heartspeak for special feelings for someone, but also for deep respect or the uncompromising caring for someone, to name a few non-BS usages of this word, which nowadays is contaminated with distorted meaning or otherwise absurd usage of language (BS, in other words) by many interested parties, unfortunately. The problem with using words overloaded with meaning is that after a while they mean nothing, so it can pay off to avoid such a wandering meaning and use more specific words or phrases in order to avoid mockery of spirituality. For example, a caring attitude towards life, a deep respect for someone’s tales of genius or simply physical attraction to someone are all different meanings of the same word, so why not use them separately in precision context? I hope that mixing genuine love with and getting stuck in BS under this umbrella is not a practice that is acceptable by design among the so-called robot fighters on the horizon. Furthermore, I expect all people willing to lead a joyous life show respect for the expensiveness of our common spiritual security and not get in the way of the people capable of dealing with fear and negative energy constructively for the common good and spiritual security, especially as it is not easy nor fun at all. Holding the perpetrators, including the female collaborators firmly in contempt in our communities is something we should always do and do it honestly if the protection of joy from the bastards is what we really want in our life, especially while a friend is being bullied by jailing-for-fun enthusiasts on an unfair ideological basis, aimed at simply the removal of dissident voices and independent minds from our societies, as far as I can give an educated guess about a stranger to me, based on his interviews and reasonable assumptions drawn from my own personal experience. It might be a huge eye-opener to find out how many masonic bitch mode feminists have been involved in fabricating all the false accusations in this case, by the way, and what exactly is their motivation of doing so. The motivation of the Freemasons to corrupt women for domination purposes, e.g. turn them into the above mentioned kind of feminists, is described in the following article by a member of the Catholic camp of the so-called geometrical expansionists with less known, but probably not less problematic domination ambitions of their own nowadays, according to my personal experiences among those of many others:
Women and the rebuilding of Christian civilisation
As these two are very powerful opposing dominator camps, those of us who despise such kind of domination will most probably want to make sure that at least these camps stay balanced with respect to each other’s potential to sow harm to the end of their existence or as long as you can feel their arrogant thirst for power in the air. In other words, we have an optimization problem to solve, not just containing one or another of these beasts, and currently the main problem might well be not just the level of their thirst for power, but letting the balance of the competing beasts drift too far from the optimum. Likewise, we often need to find a reasonable compromise between the amount of positive and negative energy we use when situations get too complicated to handle properly, e.g. not drift to the negative extreme in such a rather meaningless way as the little boy with a violent dad in the story referenced above. Negative energy – as well as frantic positivism, to be honest – have the capability of keeping our minds exhausted and paralyzed when taken to physically unbearable or other extremes, so I suggest that we learn to train some moderateness for best results, especially when our going is tough.
Keeping our language make sense to us in a friendly way and the hijacking dominators out of our territory by keeping everyone honest there starting with the meaning of the words that we use needs a very, very accurate and precise mindset, but if we really, really want then establishing our presence this way becomes doable. That’s what I really do believe that reasonable people are capable of, and I’ll describe below along with some pointers to success from myself and others in the practical advice section how to do it. Most of the hijacking dominators these days on the other hand want to make sure that a critical mass of us don’t see the need for focusing on our language, having each other’s backs and other aspects of acting with integrity, but label us conspiracy theorists, attack us with propaganda lies, tell us to mind our own business only, and so forth. Unfortunately for them, it has become much easier over the last few years to prove and see that the exact opposite of their propaganda is what has meaning.
As we’ve finally reached the end of this lengthy helper preface, let’s dive right in. You can find a shorter and more illustrated version of the following story and the other ones in this how-to series, but without any comments space, i.e. just a cover story on our community website that should be updated soon, hopefully. Please at least read the overview part of it for an introduction to the following. After being published in 2005, apparently the Estonian Internal Security Service and likely a few other secret and semisecret groups involved in Estonia in cooperation with their counterparts abroad (US, UK and EU) whose orders they seem to be very closely and stupidly following, were able to tear down my previous story “Sense of time and the feminist death drive” at and all its comments at after a few years, the latter happening in one blow right after this social media platform was bought by a large local corporation for a large amount of money in Estonia, so my messages to the public back then ended up going largely forgotten eventually, which the current “De-dominatoring Authoritarian Beasts How-to” guide is a logical consequence and follow-up of, so let’s hope that at Freehosting (or maybe Hostinger if downtime becomes a problem) and will provide a more reliable base for free speech than these two unreliable communication platforms in Estonian cyberspace, and hopefully convey a timely and useful warning to the people capable of organizing the defense of our societies, although by now it has become much more difficult than it was 19 years ago to do it successfully. Instead of just helping people easily clear their mind of propaganda lies once they start seeing behind the slogans and other manipulative language and naturally start resisting this kind of deceit as a team via web communities created on the fly and thus blocking the import of the feminist death drive to the homelands of the authors the way I tried to do it back then in mine which seemed to work, such are the current methods of dealing with the same beast already – what a shame really with the latter article sending a hidden warning already about a likely future army of men from the Western World being possibly formed against other men staying in the Western World basically:
Misogyny treated as extremism by UK government
Russia offers safe haven for people trying to escape Western liberal ideals
I rely on you, the readers once again to share it with your circles, spread my warning message and thus prevent the masonic domination beast from waking up, with one eye wide open already.
As a lucky survivor of an obvious murder attempt in masonic style characterized by hi-tech, remarkable timing and professional stealth described below, in the form of a mysterious lung injury out of nowhere a little bit less than a year before the scamdemics circus rolled over Europe in the spring of 2020, and in a manner getting very close to the topic of the “need” for assisted “suicide”, I feel the responsibility to warn everybody of deceitful language being used again and comment on the following article titled “Get ready – the legal killings are about to commence“ which is a message of warning basically from one of the members of our parliament Kalle Grünthal this time, along with references to the articles on a few related topics like the de-souling of the world, the Language of Domination, and the so-called Great Reset, i.e. obvious attempts of nudging our societies in the direction of mass murder, and a selection of my own experiences to help sense the dangers lurking and understand the accompanying disaster around the corner. At the same time, however, it is equally important to try not to paralyze anyone, just help become aware of what’s going on close by already and watch out and take action on time instead of unsuspectingly letting the planned atrocities happen or any fear get in the way of blocking them. This is how this MP exposed the bribery of the recently hypnotized lurking dominators sitting in our parliament, so now the remote dominators pushing the agenda of economically slaughtering Estonians can’t keep their gloves on anymore in case of any serious counteraction, which we should be very grateful of for exposing rather early and professionally:
The above mentioned article part of this killer combo about, well, state-assisted selective murder scheming, to be honest, considering my currently ongoing experience that perfectly fits into such a killer bullying scheming, is in Estonian, too, so please use a translator if interested in further details of this law in question, but in short it is about assisted “suicide” being imported to Estonia, much like the bitch mode feminism set its boot here which slowly started materializing after 1997 when the Artificial Insemination and Embryo Protection Act was passed in the parliament of Estonia, with the help of carefully selected and financed egoist useful idiots like retired expat Estonians living in the United States and possibly some other satanism exporting countries, for example. Such bribed retired bitches were an early version of today’s NGOs running on foreign ideological capital, hijacking whole governments and by now even parliaments already by substantial bribing. How the NGOs or similar structures use their finances in Estonia nowadays which appears to be money that has increasingly more brutally been stolen from taxpayers, has been investigated, thankfully, by the MP presenting the details in the video clip above, revealing the atrocities of masonic feminist style being prepared to take place in Estonia as I am writing this, the financing aspect of this style of power grab working automatically on all unethical people like a contagion. In short, he is telling us that among other MPs he got a letter a couple years ago offering an opportunity of getting famous and rich. Upon a request for clarification, an explanation came with a schedule of offering millions of euros for the first 2 months of cooperation, and 10 thousand for every subsequent month. It seems that with the exception of him and hopefully many others having basic dignity, a large enough number of our MPs have sold their soul to the devil this way and our parliament is passing laws one after another now cutting support for children and the handicapped during times of ultra high inflation that we currently have, with very many of them having no way of making ends meet in the harsh climate of a country openly and aggressively having been robbed into poverty for some time already. I can smell international financial terrorists like Bill Gates and George Soros here who have been very active in Estonia – a country with a birth rate of 1.4 and falling – and apparently in the depopulation efforts worldwide, but also I can’t help accusing our power structures apparently of removing my early warnings from the web about 2 decades ago. My early warnings and advice on how to block masonic feminism from entering Estonia made many people very attentive and cooperating, and if the traitors in the power positions hadn’t gotten in our way then I don’t believe we had ever got close to a satanic style mental crisis like that in Estonia.
Regarding such a brute force import of bitch mode feminism to Estonia without which we wouldn’t be discussing and wasting our time on the above referenced law for legalizing someone’s kills now, obviously, I was asked to cooperate by an Estonian expat Ilvi Jõe-Cannon who had come from the United States to Estonia for retirement, unfortunately, by setting up a website for the Estonian Women’s Studies and Resource Center – which must have been the first “non-governmental” organization operating on imported satanic ideological capital in Estonia, I guess – in order to speed up the process, which I rejected in about an hour into getting acquainted with the problem parents and other obvious egoists leading this project in about 1998, and started working against them which culminated in 2005 in a long email exchange story (email was new for us back then, so we tested the capabilities of this novel “literary genre” thoroughly) written in Swedish together with a schoolmate from Linköping with lots of outstanding ideas and great command of a variety of languages to make this story a great read under the pen name Pippi and published under the title “Sense of Time and the Feminist Death Drive” which I translated into Estonian and set up on the web server of a free hosting provider with commentary space on another portal (our “Facebook” in Estonia back then, but without censorship until being hijacked by the power structures apparently) that was up for reading and commenting for about 2-3 years until the secret service guys, I guess, whom I consider to be traitors to our nation for this reason, orchestrated the removal of both of these sources of flirting style (given the environment where we set it up for max audience in Estonia), but otherwise dead serious and deeply analytical ridicule of bitch mode feminism, including drawing our attention to topics like the depopulation of the world and the early signs of the transgenderism hoax that have become mainstream by today. It was a warning story for our societies basically and the bullying that followed seems to have spread at some point of time to Tallinn University of Technology all the way through 2019 when my work on campus was brutally hijacked after I for more than a decade successfully blocked the bitch mentality being imported to our university from hijacking control and this way obviously destroying the practical know-how, experience and cooperation sensitive community relations crucial to the welfare of the clay court on campus as the arrogant ego-based destructive feminism had – hell or high waters – set out invading every corner of our university a few years earlier, including a failed attempt of signature extortion under the threat of blocking me from the university with the obvious goal of canceling the contract that protected my work, although it was never mentioned by the hijackers. Let’s use simple terms for clarity in the following and call this aggression officially pushed in its closing stages by a little bunch of authoritarian female control freaks – being active on court and very much part of the decision-making at our utterly corrupt university, it seems – Kiira Parre, Ruth Kulbas and Betra Leesment and a male helper psychopath deliberately stirring up conflicts on court Tõnu Lausmaa in a group of 30 players ideological persecution at Maltech – the ideologically hijacked Tallinn Tech. I didn’t let the vandals wreak havoc on court, so I became the target of masonic bitch mode feminist persecution – simple as that. No excuse available whatsoever, to make it double clear here.
What do I mean by an ideologically hijacked university? Well, my experience with masonic bullies confirms that it is a malevolent cult committed to killing or seriously damaging the human soul. I don’t know why they do it, but they enjoy it and it is most important to them. Relying on my personal experience again, I guess that these control freaks are just unable to get it their way when confronted with a healthy soul that’s much more capable than a machine that these idiots can understand. The native Americans say that what a white man can’t control, they’ll want to destroy. I believe that it’s exactly the same problem with the Freemasons and their limited understanding of the world as they can’t stand someone being clearly better than them, so it would be wise for the white men being bullied by their own fake elite of hijackers and murderers in our current situation to listen to the long experience of the native Americans’ (the American Indians, that is) fight for freedom to practice their culture legally. I don’t believe that Masonry can be viewed as a religion, but it can be viewed as an ideology with the progress of technology at its core. That’s a very limited progress in our lives, of course. For someone like me being familiar enough with the way the Freemasons operate, it is clear that the hijacking of public space, our basic rights and other aggression that we are currently experiencing especially in the Western World at the moment are a manifestation of their brutal attempts to cover up their lack of understanding and friendly control which means that the Freemasons are too incomplete as human beings to rule our world. Their incompetence in treating the human soul in a reasonable manner shows in every aspect. Therefore it’s time for them to take a large step back. Masonry is an ideology like communism that doesn’t work for a very clear reason, the existence of our independent soul and our Ego, respectively. And the main ideological tool that the Freemasons have chosen to tamper the people studying and teaching at our university with is gay propaganda that most of us – or at least those who can still understand a bit of what’s going on despite the younger generation in e.g. Estonia having been dumbed down by their ego-manipulating system of deceit for a decade or two already – find annoying and pointlessly and aggressively getting in the way of our daily communication, work and good results.
The consequences of the legal framework that the Freemasons seem to be currently pushing with the help of their bitch mode feminist robot minions on those of us finding themselves in tough health conditions all of a sudden like the one that I described in our community rescue project website is that those trying to tackle the problem beast will pretty much surely become the targets of severe physical persecution at e.g. hospitals the moment the beast gets a chance, depending on how severely and deep into conflict they have been bullied into as the political opponents of those running the kill show. Considering the character of these people, the masonic feminist perverted heartspeak pro “healthcare” for assisting people in dying would surely apply selectively and aggressively in our everyday practice in such a killer system. I have two important messages about this: a) if there is one thing you take from this story then I suggest that you be more aware of the horrible stupidity of our kind at our frequent lows, so never ever should the killing of each other be legalized for whatever reason in order not to give any legal target to the most stupid instances of us who can only rule by killing the rest of us; and b) I have a nudging feeling that spiritual incompetence has a security aspect for a nation like the Estonians, too, so a small nation that hasn’t been in the driver’s seat in history had better be spiritually competent to justify its existence. Every culture is different and we’d better make sure that the difference that our culture offers to the rest of the world is something that we should not be ashamed of, i.e. compatible with a healthy human soul. Letting become our people one specialized in murdering each other legally for whatever reason is fatal shame according to my senses.
In a situation like me in 2019-2021, one needs a spiritually supportive environment in order to overcome a killer lung mystery. If I had not focused 100% on not breaking mentally and physically, death would have been a relief and easily attainable without any assistance, I believe. Now that I’ve spent a couple years not in a life-threatening condition anymore, I find any presence of social nudging towards death in such a situation, especially the way the masonic feminists are planning to establish it – and implement the details with sadistic criminal enthusiasm, I can imagine – behind their perverted heartspeak slogans like “assisted suicide” the same kind of murder as if sneaking up behind and throwing someone under a physical bus, not a metaphorical one. I further feel that it would be worth a painting or other masterpiece if this suicide hoax wasn’t so invisible. Maybe a movie would do the trick? I bet it would serve the fight against profiteering in the medical industry perfectly to reveal the heartspeak pros getting bribed for helping depopulate our world with assisted “suicide” and other unethical atrocities in this category in a combo over all these overlapping groups of such “assisting” activists and their criminal economic interests. Maybe they’ll eventually learn to diagnose lung problems after receiving such additional focus? That’s what I badly missed a few years ago. And if we take a look at the level of communication in our parliament shown in the cover photo of this post and combine it with the opportunities of playing with the death of disliked political opponents for whatever (usually invalid) reason then it becomes clear even for people having very modest capabilities of imagination that our society is not mature to handle the masonic bitch mode feminist challenge in the framework of draft laws like this one currently in progress, nor will most probably never be.
It is a good idea to not listen to bad advice, obviously. I am very happy that in Georgia where I currently reside in order to heal my lungs, the local people have come to the conclusion to call hijacking hijacking and not let their culture and land be hijacked by means of foreign capital NGOs and the accompanying propaganda. Regarding the above mentioned women’s studies and resource center, the results of their “studies” on how to destroy families are very straightforward and unbelievably primitive, and that’s where the ruthless brainwashed minions of the new colonizer come from nowadays. After some initial conditioning along the lines of women’s rights to the point of complete unwillingness of sane people to even talk to them, for example, their scheming gets openly malevolent with questions in the category of “It’s Tuesday today. What day is tomorrow? Why are you not answering my questions?” and then working on the latter question for the rest of the day like someone working on a nasty sound to turn it into techno music. And this is almost nothing compared to the nefarious scheming they come up with for e.g. pitting their own children and grandchildren against each other. No wonder they are left with broken families and a pile of unsolvable problems that they have created themselves that I absolutely resist and distance myself from. Such are the practical results of the kind of “studies” that the brilliant bullies of the Estonian Women’s Studies and Resource Center keep coming up with. I noticed this threat while studying in the US and that really got me thinking until now what on earth is going on and who the heck is behind it, and the nightmares I anticipated have come true in Estonia. It’s just one vast terrain set up for practicing family vandalism regularly, aimed at disintegrating strong families among others and becoming controllable by a gang of remote dominators instead of people being in control of their lives themselves. We really should clear our ground of their propaganda. Such a mind-repellent vandalism just doesn’t mix with the soul health nor cultural level of normal people, and it is embarrassing that things like that have worked for the masonic feminists so effectively on such a large scale in my country already. It can also be the reason why Masonry reportedly hasn’t hit some regions of the world so badly as Estonia or the United States, depending on cultural differences (we are largely missing the religious protection layer against stupid people among us, unlike the lucky Georgians in the current situation, for example, fighting against the executive power hijacking NGOs successfully so far), but I am so suspicious of the scheming of the Freemasons that I am not going to take a stand in this matter anytime soon.
It’s the Ego in us that the Freemasons keep manipulating in order to destroy our soul health and turn us into beasts basically, and the majority of women seem to be extra vulnerable to scheming like this in my country. By the way, many elements like the feminist Ego, tales of Tage, tennis wisdom, the critical analysis of someone’s totalitarian globalist plans etc of this phantom dialogue (i.e. having become very indirect for some reason) that this post is part of, are getting similar to the above mentioned email exchange story which after a huge amount of unlimited creative discussion in the "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus" fashion, drawing parallels across the universe and citing the humorous humanist of Tage Danielsson with always some valuable wisdom to share, according to Pippi ended with a decision right from the Women’s Rights Central Committee of Venus to send all bitch mode feminists to Pluto. Sadly, the Estonians were not able to recognize the importance of this figurative advice, so now it is much, much more difficult to get the beast out of the room after it has been allowed to move in by the bribed idiots and the rest of us, and I am not going to translate this post to Estonian either after all the bullying and lack of support that followed my previous translation, except as needed in my community of fellow Estonians whom I personally value and trust, so good luck with opposing the new colonizer of the dumbing-down and child castration stripe in Estonia on your own now and learning to communicate meaningfully in foreign languages and to think independently in order to be in the position to figure things out yourselves after not even storing my timely and highlighted advice in the Estonian cyberspace appropriately, let alone following it. However, I intend to extend our community of recreational tennis players by those willing to financially or morally support making my translations from 2005 of many Tage’s tales to Estonian publicly available which is currently being blocked by the rights holders of Tage’s literary heritage, so the door will be left open for people with a reasonable sense of humor, an appetite for life and interest in the benevolent cooperative character inspired by these tales to kick all the stupidity and dishonesty responsible for our social diseases out of our life. Plus, as long as Substack isn’t infected with the masonic feminist corruption, provide a solid base for the next, say, Davis Cup match between Mars and Venus to get the optimal part of us deported to Pluto for a peaceful and a reasonable life close by. It took only about 3 and maybe double that many years for the secret service nerds to infiltrate into and, respectively to wipe out my match results vs Pippi, so let’s hope that Substack and the results vs Tessa will last longer. I guess that’s the best free speech platform we have for now. To the credit of my female counterparts I can say that the fights against importing bitch mode feminism to Estonia back in 2005 and against the System of Domination now, and against all the fake heartspeak pros we met on the way in both cases have been, say, masochistically enjoyable so far.
Another problem with the above referenced killer law that the extreme feminists and their so-called deep state puppeteers are trying to come up with now, or any other piece of information at the mercy of the Freemasons where eventually deceit brutally rules one way or another, the way my personal experience confirms in addition to the so-called “conspiracy theories”, is that it is implemented in practice in a very different way than it is presented to the public eye, which of course, is the way the Freemasons keep us unsuspectingly under their slavery kind of control in order not to lose their power that tends to leave them because of endless lying, violence and other obvious reasons. The masonic style laws especially like this one are just a means to eliminate threats to their domination like dissident thinking and dissidents themselves, of course. While it might theoretically help someone find relief in help for dying early in some situations, that’s just a pretext and not the main point of enforcing such a law. The point is to weaponize the law, much like the masons and other dominators weaponize our language (see the conversation below that Tessa had with Steven Newcomb about the Language of Domination) and many of our other everyday dependencies in order to dominate us, and in this particular case, to assassinate those of us who know and share too uncomfortable information for some dominator circles as we absolutely refuse to let ourselves to be treated like slaves, I can confirm from my own experience. To put it more precisely, the war of domination between the Catholic camp and the Freemasons has gone viral, and the masonic camp is trying to get out of its own shit by trying to treat everybody as their tool or weapon in this war, so that’s why they try to own us, the way I look at it, although it has economic and other viewpoints, too. At the end of the day they want us collapsed to submit to the will of their gang, which in very general terms as a kind of inverted justification (fraud, that is) for the assistance in taking the life or lives of interest isn’t anything new. Nor is there any lack of means to fabricate the need for a kill since the dawn of our existence:
The only trouble with this law for the assassin is how to get its victim to a situation to complete the kill – i.e. to apply the assisted “suicide” weapon – legally. Well, if it’s in the law thanks to a bunch of criminal bribed officials somehow (like the ones addressed in our parliament above) then it’s formally legal, right? Therefore our state apparatus, including the psychopaths as well as the bribed idiots sitting in our parliament most probably nowhere near the understanding of what the consequences and the magnitude of their decisions are going to be, has in many ways become the opposite of what it is declared to be by our constitution in Estonia and probably most other countries in the Western World by now, and should be treated as such – a globalist mafia state. Believe it or not, a lung mystery depriving one of the will to continue living turns out to be easy to do for this mafia nowadays, but in my case so far I don’t know how this was done, unfortunately. I can only describe the outcome. As a lover of running long distances, it reminds me a lot of the persistence hunting tradition that some of the native Africans still practice as we just saw, but with a very different purpose – to simply cling to power without authority in order to be able to steal from everybody else and dominate, so let’s keep our language honest and simple here and call this new draft law a Symbolic Gesture Law decorating a much longer planned chain of preparations kept in secret in order to be able to distort the meaning of “assist” in public as well as the main reason for the kill of interest actually as seen at the end of this 8 hour chase we’ve just witnessed. It is so unbelievable well covered up these days that when my work at Maltech was brutally hijacked in 2019, I got a lung inflammation literally out of nowhere about a month after the hard hijacking was carried out as soft hijacking efforts including signature extortion didn’t work out. Although I don’t know the details – in fact, I have no coherent idea of how something like this can be achieved – yet I am a living proof of the fact that it can be done and has already been done, in addition to the regular scamdemics. And obviously, in many other ways, too. Don’t believe it if you don’t want to, but you have been warned.
It took the full determination of a tough marathon runner to get out of it alive to do so in about 3 years with a decade or so to go for a relatively full recovery, most probably. It doesn’t seem to be a problem in a decadent society nowadays to get people prepared for a “legal” kill like that, in other words. The way an inflammation in the lungs can take away any appetite for life in a few months or a year is simply unbearable, I can assure if not in extreme fight mode for life psychologically. And I didn’t get any jabs, nothing at all, it just hit me out of nowhere and very much seems to be an artificial injury designed to become unbearable physically and mentally with every second being painful due to breathing. In an era of such murders being legalized, the beings among us trying to impose their will on everybody else don’t need any concentration camps for slaughtering people like in the last century, do they? Worth mentioning, once I got through the life-threatening phase, I was not able to think clearly or understand my own writings properly, for example, for many years, so this was also a significant economic blow for the victim not being able to work for a very long time as well as a curse for the people having to troubleshoot my health, too. The last time I measured at the beginning of this summer, the inflammation in my lungs cost me about 4-5 hours of extra sleep every day on the average. I guess that the Covid circus victim Brianne interviewed above is probably in a similar situation now. Want some masonic bitch mode “health care” nowadays, you politically independent mind? Get ready for a a multi-factor murdering scheme at hospitals – that’s bitch mode feminism taken to the masonic extreme.
Having been increasingly bullied – which seems and feels more like persecution over a longer period of time – by the Freemasons over the decades, I can confirm that it tends to be very high-tech and/or requiring a lot of logistical capability, too, the idea of which is probably to serve as intimidation and the feeling of helplessness as even the police is too incompetent to do anything about it and hangs up, so my current medical condition seems to be the result of one of these attacks that in the absence of a legal target kind of wasn’t completed successfully as I am apparently unexpectedly for a few gangsters still alive, and is a complete mystery so far, serving the unprecedented goal of murder as far as my life so far is concerned. The obvious action for the victim to take in such a situation is to get organized for protection in a functioning family if possible and wherever possible, or keep away from regions under such tyranny of deadly political games to start with, until some kind of basic civil order has been restored. Being part of a strong family puts a person being bullied to a much more offensive position, theoretically at least. I am very lucky to have largely missed the Covid circus. And I would like to express my gratitude to Rein Ilves from the Sports and Youth Department of the Tallinn City Government for helping block the hijacking of the administration of the Maltech tennis court in 2008 already. It seems that he got canceled a few years later. That aggression at Maltech resulted in an ear inflammation for me, similarly out of nowhere, and fleeing the hospital after getting some very grotesque warning signs from a doctor I had known since early childhood – my most cordial thanks to her for being a life saver above all most probably instead of an unprofessional assassin in the medical industry, too – and thus somehow getting over the ear inflammation without any medical help, ending with strong complications that lasted for 2 years. That’s another example of the “mysteries” (masonic corruption) characteristic of our medical system.
One more type of assisted injury used nowadays that I should warn about to watch out for is wrecking people’s short term memory, which in my case took a decade or two to heal, but not quite properly (it gets brittle easily with tiredness), so synchronous communication is still much more of a challenge for me than it used to be before this yet another mysterious invisible attack going on inside my body, which happened almost right after the new fence was built around the Maltech tennis court and before the attack in 2008, so there is a lot going on behind the scenes, and the security of our medical system really doesn’t stand any criticism. The only thing about it that I feel I have been able to figure out is that being in panic mode as a result of massive bullying for very long periods of time is a suitable terrain for becoming physically susceptible to such kind of assisted or artificial injuries or diseases. So there are many ways how the first phase of the multi-phase assisted murder of politically persecuted people can be completed, speaking of my personal experiences only.
Another side remark of potential importance which I should point out is that my experience shows that the Freemasons love technology and the precision that comes with it, combined with stealth attacks, which is largely the source of their smugness and arrogance, so considering this kind of nature of their attacks of increasing precision over the decades in my life that can in a way be felt with the so-called 6th sense (a combo of the regular senses + the previous repetitive experiences in the same category, that is), I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it turned out that the recent so-called assassination attempt of the former US President was just a little masonic precision game, resulting in a nice photo for fighting successfully in the elections campaign in progress, minimizing the number of suspicions among the crowd by sheer incredulity like the inside job of 9/11 going largely unnoticed, and a “slow-wit” (inexperienced and thus unsuspecting) youngster getting fooled and sacrificed for someone’s satanic “good”. Remember this is not happening in the Gessler era of shooting an apple on the head of a close one with a bow and an arrow. I don’t want to say anything bad about president Trump as he hasn’t initiated any wars so far (but wait, maybe I am just lagging behind and there is no point in old-school wars anymore as the apartheid regime “vaccines” have been killing us so efficiently during the past few years?), but it all looks just too fake for my eyes to go without at least mentioning. I prefer to comment on the situation in Estonia only, but hopefully there will be adequate analyses from the rest of the regions where the masonic rule has become unbearably criminal, unpunished and in no way acceptable for the people unwilling to dominate for robbery and take part in the wars that accompany such goals. Considering various circumstances, I suspect that Masonry might have started out centuries ago as a revolution against a truly corrupt dominator, but has become corrupt to the bone itself over time, and now badly needs to be dealt with most probably in many other culturally backward regions of the Western World as much as in my homeland and the United States of America.
Interestingly, all the culprits listed as preparers of the above referenced Symbolic Gesture Law and thus busy with importing such a law-assisted murder to Estonia are female. All of them! In addition to my experiences at Maltech, it reminds me a lot of the situation with the state apparatus where we recently had the positions of the President, the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, the Chancellor of Justice and so forth all filled with obedient female puppets, dutifully executing everything coming down the command line without considering the consequences. The closer to executive power, the more spiritually primitive is the selection of puppets, which you can see for yourself by looking on the cover photo with an MP in focus. As far as I can see, women are bribed more easily than men who tend to have much stronger opinions about the hijacking dominators and their decisions – that’s most probably why the latter have manipulated the women into managing their deadly corruption all over Estonia nowadays, i.e. an army of female officials protecting their corrupt and criminal feeding hand while the dissident voices are being brutally eliminated the way I have just described. Now that’s total control and I can smell the Freemasons and their ways of manipulating everyone into the trap that they’ve set up for us here, too. I recommend that the women decisively clear up this mess i.e. manipulating the female perpetrators. And the scope of this happens to be running our whole state in disguise.
The key question that we’ve finally arrived at is who are these intermediate local tyrants, dutifully following the globalist agenda, butchering any independent minds and corrupting our women in order to implement their tyranny in our everyday life? I can speak of my personal experiences only, but I bet it comes very, very darn close to the core of the evil that we currently see in Estonia. This topic should be a rather lengthy separate story, but for now, let’s just mention the main culprit of the hijacking mayhem that is currently devastating Estonia as far as my personal experience goes. The main secret jaw behind shit happening all around and running the puppet show in my country appears to be Urmas Sõõrumaa. Let’s call him the invisible Br’er Jaw as this is his preferred style of operation – using a bribed army of slimy gangster puppets needed for the indirection of the indirection of ... of executing all his criminal tasks on the table. Someone in his large army of gangsters happened to reveal this strategy on the radio where the hearing about yet another money laundering scandal was discussed, so I got some information about the inner workings of the System of the invisible Br’er Jaw from there, too, along with my own experiences. It is a downscaled Soviet Union for the Estoian part of the post-Soviet gangsterspace basically where the Communist Party has been replaced by a bribed obedient gang of soullessly tampering hijackers for domination who value the present instead of our future, or at least that’s what the invisible Br’er Jaw tells the stupid people in order to “justify” vandalism.
As the former head of the Soviet militia in Estonia, the invisible Br’er Jaw seems to have led during the times of our short and narrow window of the second period of “independence” (from 1991, that is) the blockhead, semiblockhead or just characterless gangsters and the process of corrupting our police, secret services, tennis centers personnel and what not under his bullying control into an ethically and spiritually miserable state of a very nasty kind of submission to his authoritarian rule for a few decades already, using presumably all the techniques used to pressure me. For example, a few years after I undertook the challenge of rescuing the tennis court of Tallinn Tech, as it was becoming clear for even the worst propagandist minds that my help offer to the university turned out to be very far from nonsense, I started receiving invitations from the Estonian Tennis Association to participate in the economic year ending meetings at a tennis center that the invisible Br’er Jaw had built into the ruins of old military barracks near central Tallinn. The problems that we are dealing with here eventually boil down to authority and the authority hijacking dominators. Authority is a status that should be earned honestly for work well done, not hijacked along with the work of genuine creators, obviously. I am not saying that the invisible Br’er Jaw is a creator, but rather an abuser of genuine creators who is skilled in and capable of covering up the problems accompanying the hijacking activities of his bribed extensions with secret violence.
In order to avoid corruption and the destruction of valuable lives and common good, such practices should be blocked in a respectable society unlike the current activities of the invisible Br’er Jaw and his gang of thieves who have become authoritarian instead of being a valid authority. In other words, by stealing the administration of what is none of his business in public space, the invisible Br’er Jaw and his system or underground empire of rationalist vandalism has become a destructive entity and an overwhelming parasite in our society, eating up everythig at quite a visible pace already. That’s the pure greed of a, say, secretly arrogant control freak. And the creative minds on short financial tether in his deep invisible private empire are without alternatives, but with families to take care of, and therefore are often reluctantly cooperating. That’s a very, very sad situation. These people badly need economic alternatives in order to get out of this mafia trap which is slowly disintegrating their soul basically. Apparently the invisible Br’er Jaw had much higher ambitions to control everything than he was able to honestly create authority, so he decided to start stealing authority in order to get things done his way, destroying valuable long-time plans of honest creators of genuine authority and that’s in no way acceptable. In other words, his authoritarian asshole ways of, say, managing things “for public good“ (quite the opposite, to be honest) is making spiritually sound people unwilling to cooperate and redundant in a mafia society largely managed by the soulless gangsters of this deep private universe, which in turn means turning them into targets of persecution and the new normal of the invisible Br’er Jaw being established everywhere exactly like that, which interestingly aligns perfectly with the new normal in the United States and other weird countries nowadays.
I have an innate resentment from my early childhood towards authoritarian behavior (commanding people directly or using deceit, other people or other means of indirection), so I kind of felt arrogance with the so-called 6th sense behind such a tempting yet commanding offer to join the High Heavens of Estonian tennis. Therefore I decided to wait and see what happens instead of participating. Well, what happened was exactly what I had felt with my formally non-existent sense as these tempting offers started getting more and more obtrusive every year, eventually turning into bullying. Or persecution, to be honest, of everyone unwilling to be sucked into the gang of the invisible Br’er Jaw where everyone seems to be expected to worship him as a demigod. I mean, this guy has extension gangsters all over the Estonian part of the post-Soviet gangsterspace. And my 6th sense didn’t betray me as it became evident that these were not invitations, but militant commands simply using indirection via the university administrative gangsters to come and participate in the tennis association’s events. I found it ridiculous. I also pointed out that among other problematic aspects such absurd commands of the invisible Br’er Jaw forwarded to me via the university sports club clearly happened to violate the contract on the university end forbidden to try to dictate me anything related to the tennis court on campus after having got any help from me. As I got beaten up just for fun for a couple times to start the intimidation operations (these assholes prefer to avoid one-to-one situations, of course, and use very nasty provocations and similar methods to start the conflict) – which had never happened in public space before in my life – and asked the police to investigate the cases, the covering up of these cases and mocking my attempts to find the culprit that I encountered was just unbelievable and a staggering eye-opener of how our services like the police, security and secret services, the courts and so forth were all operating. It’s all one huge bribed gang! For simplicity, lets call it the System of Br’er Jaw and his rationalist bullies, or just the deep-Soviet Estonia.
The fact that the invisible Br’er Jaw had not been active in tennis before in his life and infiltrated into this domain as, well, President of the Estonian Tennis Association (this is not a joke, by the way) shortly after I had made some preliminary impressions with the renovation of the clay court on the Maltech campus as far as I can see, considerably adds to supporting the hypothesis that he is the one eventually in command of everything that happens in Estonia at the so-called deep state level. But let’s leave the nefarious schemings in the System of the invisible Br’er Jaw for later stories and focus on further aspects of the false flag assisted murder of political opposition for now, because in the long run this is what the draft law is aiming at, I am darn sure of. Of course, you won’t be hearing almost anything about the abused independent minds unwilling to cooperate with this gang of thugs and assassinated in revenge or rather just for cover-up with the help of this novel “legal” scheming, as you wouldn’t even notice a person almost next to you drowning in a real life situation without making a sound, not shouting and being widely noticed like in a movie. The people being persecuted by a network of bribed officials, secret services and what not at this level just quietly sink to the bottom of a hostile society (a homeland hijacked by the tampering dominators for hijacking, that is), and that’s it. This is what makes this draft law so dangerous among other things, and this is one of the obvious reasons why trying to legalize the assisted killing of each other for whatever pretext reason in a society of animals as stupid as Homo sapiens is outright criminal action basically – just look at the percentage of idiots in power and what they have kept coming up with in the history of mankind during e.g. the last few centuries. In other words, the future of Estonia has been hijacked by a gang of robbers, spiritual rapists and fear therapists in a way that just won’t let the spiritually considerate people live and make it better.
Another interesting pattern that I have noticed is how close together all the abuses of administrative power “happen” i.e. are planned, most probably. The last wave started around 2020 worldwide with all the scamdemics circus – the “vaccine” passport depopulation apartheid robbing people of their professional long-term commitments and profession, and so forth in a captive sequence. I just can’t believe that the timing of the hijacking of the administration of the Tallinn Tech tennis court from our community was accidental, based solely on my own earlier experience, let alone the worldwide circus that followed immediately. After getting us out of the way, very many public figures were canceled the same way, and right after that all the victims got the scamdemics circus thrown into their face as the people were supposed to be in apartheid mood and not care about each other, I guess. I was luckily in Georgia by that time already where apartheid isn’t popular due to higher cultural background, I believe, which by the way has been successfully blocking the NGO-style hijacking of the state executive power – way to go for Estonia, too. The previous wave of abuse like that “happened” around 2008, i.e. a rather similarly orchestrated economic depression in Europe and elsewhere in the world, coinciding perfectly with the previous attack on the Maltech tennis court and my corresponding health-bullying experience. Therefore I recommend to expect, figure out the timing of and get ready to thwart the next globally coordinated waves of similar abuses of administrative power.
The Freemasons have learned not to steal our property directly, but to hijack public space and our lives instead, which is just an optimization for clinging to power at the same time as well as parasitising the efforts of their modern brainwashed slaves (that’s us in their imagination apparently). After getting the dissidents out of the way, the brainwashing of a critical number of people and the stealing of pretty much anything becomes a walk in the park. Our banking system is a good example of such an abusive convenience for the administrative gangsters swimming in power. And that’s what our education system is about nowadays – they want us dumbed down, i.e. be easily manipulable. As far as my personal experience is concerned, the most notable and far-reaching form of masonic manipulation and theft is the effort to dominate the way our communities operate. Everyone who has been involved in the administration and troubleshooting of communities knows that keeping a community functioning in a hostile environment is a very tough challenge. Lacking soul health, the masons need useful idiots to communicate with the end slaves and run the communities they want to control. However, as our rescue community of recreational tennis players renovating and taking excellent care of the clay court at Tallinn University of Technology that I gathered upon a request for help from the university officials to help them out and save the opportunity to play tennis on campus learned to cope with this infiltration challenge very convincingly among many other communities worldwide, presumably, the masons seem to have switched to trying to destroy any functioning communities of us whatsoever, trolling our communication (think of hate speech as a supportive tool for provoking conflicts and its canceling counterpart combo, for instance) and setting up a totalitarian world “order” that is obviously large enough to get stuck in their greedy throats. What is very disturbing for those like me from whom the masons steal our work, be it in the spiritual world (a well-functioning community producing value for the common good as a by-product) or in the visual world (a tennis court in picturesque surroundings that had already been scheduled for demolition as an appalling visual pollution looking brand new all of a sudden and being taken excellent care of by the community that I worked on to become competent enough for our common task from a point in time where no one in our community really believed in what I was doing as everyone told me), is that despite all the vandalism that the clay surface of the court clearly and thankfully exposes, such a neobarbarian world domination system is getting lots of stupid respect from naive people who seem to be willing to be dominated as they mistakenly regard all the stuff having been robbed as the effort and genius of the robbers after some time. Such lazyminds (people who are too lazy to think) should really wake up and start picking their don’t-care-moments in a more responsible manner to keep the hijacking dominators honest. A sufficiently in-depth description of the underpinnings of the current situation at our university on platforms like Substack is a good idea and the way out to both a spiritually and economically healthy society, I guess. Sorry about getting a bit lengthy though.
Regarding the masonic feminism, some women are not just naive people, but serious cooperating psychopaths who know exactly what they are doing and for whom gratitude, respect and other values that our functioning as a society relies on are way too high-level. These are exactly the, say, robots or hardware that the Freemasons are looking for to run the brainwashing software of their machine on, parasitising our society and providing an eye-catching facade to protect the deeper devil inside from being exposed. By now, after the scamdemics era and about 17 million of us having been slaughtered in just a couple years by the brutal abuse of the law and the jabs delivered by the “medical” profit industry, it has become quite clear that their machine is targeting all the people who have been bullied into political opponents on the one hand, and decisively depopulating our planet on the other, meaning that the only ones not risking their life for the moment are the ones too ignorant to understand, too sociopathic to care, or just too young, provided that they don’t get suicidal nowadays after, say, getting hit with a gender reassignment surgery, until the so-called Moment of Truth comes. I’ve gone through lots of these moments revealing the machine in my life after agreeing to help the university officials, which put me straight onto the bullying conveyor despite the contract that forbade them to interfere with my efforts as long as the situation on court was better than when we started. Naively enough, I wasn’t able to believe that I could be facing a murder attempt after all this bullying of increasing severity simply because of just staying true to my beliefs that saved the frigging court among other things, especially after all the help that I had provided, so you are very welcome here to learn from my experience. Keep in mind that the Freemasons can afford persecuting over a long period of time. They start with irreconcilable provocations designed to damage your soul health usually, and continue with just escalating the conflict gradually, which in my case took over forty years to get seriously fatal by intent. It might have been a decade less than that, but that’s at least partly a speculation. Also, I have written a separate post about the details of how the administration of the Maltech tennis court was hijacked by the abusers of administrative power at our university.
I hope that I’ve made it easy to see the common denominator of those to be blamed for the hijacking of the administration of the tennis court and the proxy tyrant administration of the student organizations at Maltech as well as the import of masonic feminism and the false flag assisted and politically motivated assassination scheming to Estonia in general. Next some practical advice on how to counter the abuse of administrative power and other headaches with masonic feminism will be given.
The most obvious countermeasure to the poor soul health of the gangs of dominators introduced above is OUR good soul health, of course, so you are welcome to take a look at my post about how to help develop a healthy sense of humor if you don’t have a good idea yet. Regarding Substack, well, support from a suitable communication platform (this is like in the days of the Soviet Union when substitute words were needed in order to be able to talk to each other about the political preferences of the ruling party somehow) for further introducing in public with precision our obstacles to de-dominatoring our communities appropriately would be much needed and appreciated. The weapons of choice of the masonic bitch mode feminists so far have been distorting the meaning of important terms like “hate speech” in order to be able to provoke-and-cancel from our societies the independent minds among us and practicing other ways of just blocking communication between people, so it is a major ethical test of responsibility for such communication platforms. And for those of us living in the nice bubbles that have been created by the regime for the helper dogs to impose the system on everyone, the first and foremost task is to start noticing what is being done to your fellow community members by the regime which can easily turn in your direction upon a whim of someone up the ladder.
Considering my near-fatal just-pre-scamdemics lung attack experience lasting for 5+ years already, the preceding ideological persecution at Tallinn University of Technology, and the subsequent propagation of the same trends all over the Western World, I strongly feel that the masonicare solution being currently drafted serves the main purpose of legalizing the slaughtering of the most “inconvenient” doers among us who can’t be hypnotized and thus are being bullied by a gang of hijacking dominators into political opponents for screening purposes to start with. With the help of sneaky and unprecedentedly brutal i.e. bitch mode feminist style scheming, the persistence hunt for wreckng their health, lasts – covering up their multiple-stage persecution of these doers posing de-dominatoring threats – until their assassination without legal consequences. That’s the idea behind the law being currently pushed, according to my educated guess based on my personal experiences.
Before the closing stages, loneliness seems to be a strategic part of their scheming (so our strategy should be the opposite – communicate with each other a lot) introduced by means of a variety of nefarious and brutal social nudging orchestrated by secret service nerds in the direction of personal compartmentalization (that is the enforcement of loneliness, basically) closer and closer to a publicly more suitable-looking target of the Symbolic Gesture Law compatible murder being currently legalized, so my advice of key importance is to never allow the masonic satanists to be given any targets like this in the law in the first place as for beings like them it just justifies the abuse of the law in practice. Also, prohibit any potential bullying targets by the constitution whenever possible. And always, always hold such social nudging, screening and other nefarious scheming nerds in contempt. Cooperation like this is crucial in the establishment of our presence over the abusers of administrative power. Masonic behavior at their higher ranks of bullying is much like a bunch of blind soulless parasite robots eagerly working on their legal targets of vandalism, no matter how evil their goals have been officially fabricated, enjoying their narrow superiority over their victims in a petty pathological manner, so that’s exactly what you shouldn’t give these soulless idiots – no legal targets of abuse.
I should probably give you an example of such social nudging, too, so you get an idea of how it feels once you’ve been targeted. Shortly after the administration of the Maltech tennis court was hijacked from me and our community and I had notified the police about this and the risk of further personal attacks as the situation was swiftly turning identical to the events of 2008 and before, which they found to be too complicated and out of their competence, and shortly before I got the lung mystery, a presumably secret service guy acting like a half-drunken clown visited the Maltech IT College lobby where I was studying between the lectures together with many other students. The circus that followed was so professional that everybody except me left the lobby in just a quarter of an hour as he among other things threatened to grab my laptop and smash it against my head if I didn’t start answering his provocative questions, so I ignored him completely and just waited for the moment he touched my laptop to give him a lesson about bullying people at universities like this. He never touched it though, although being very, very close, and after all his provocations going wasted, the spectacle ended with his wife calling him to come home or at least this is how it was acted out. Well, such kind of persecution over the years by the mafia state run by a jaw who treats you like a slave, steals your work at will, and comes after you any way and anywhere, has strong physical impact on your psyche. It will spoil your look, for example, and it takes years and years of time living in a normal environment and communicating with kind people to get your normal psyche, including a calm look back instead of the appearance of extreme stress that makes many people distance from you at eye contact immediately and thus block important existential communication permanently... So, holding such persecutors firmly in contempt is not a small deal, but exactly the opposite, and the more you help block bullying, especially in a mafia state like Estonia whenever you get the opportunity, the healthier the society around you becomes for everyone, provided that someone is still around and capable of dealing with these persecutors. I just have so much contempt for people who are cooperating with thugs like this. In other words, we need to keep the people honest on the ground – no excuses and no matter what the elite hijacking dominators using remote controls among us have planned to fool us. This is the only way for most of us to keep the gang of hijacking dominators out of our ground.
Another advice I consider important to pay attention to is trying to understand the already compartmentalized people and show sincere long-lasting interest in what is wrong with them if they act strangely. Why? I guess I’ve just answered this question by and large, but also please pay attention to the example that I wrote in a comment about trying to hold your ironed arm in warm water happily with everyone else to get some extra kick. Many people just don’t recognize that serious trauma is often not visible. Rereading the last paragraph or two should help, too. Not letting each other be thrown under the bus is one of the most important strategies against masonic and any other kind of tyranny, I agree. The advice I’d give to my companions of fate being bullied by the current dominator is that if it gets really tough and you decide to leave your country then do it as early as possible as no one is going to able to cover the costs of the damage done to your health after a while. The totalitarian dominators have been very powerful for millennia already, so make keeping all these competing aggressors balanced in addition to the main goal of getting rid of all of them your daily practice if falling prey to one or many of them seems like a fate worth the effort to be actively avoided.
What else of the nefarious scheming that comes with masonic feminism I should point out for offering efficient resistance? In general, we should work on public awareness and keep the Freemasons out of power by keeping women from being corrupted by them. It is easier said than done, of course, but here are some very useful practical ways you can try out: focusing on the unity of opposites to suppress our Ego for a while, keeping the blind deification of authorities in contempt, and above all, relying on your personal experience was mentioned already. What I should add to this is supporting reliable, competent and creative people to come up with a way out. This is a very tough task to accomplish which requires a lot of resources, so financial support is badly needed. I can currently think of 2 such projects that I could come up with to show some important sections of the way out upon sufficient funding. I have created separate Substack posts for these projects, the legalization of Tagepedia in Estonia being the more general, top-down approach, and the soul health rescue project of the Tallinn Tech tennis court administration being the bottom-up one. In engineering it is always helpful to use these two approaches in parallel and then just connect the dots you are left with eventually. I encourage all reliable, competent and creative souls among us to come up with your top-down, bottom-up or whatever sections of the way out you can imagine that have a working counterpart in reality, and support mine, too. The devil is in the details, so never underestimate the importance of masonic feminists shutting up more often or the tennis court of a problem university being taken care of by a community of independent minds being feared and hated by the abusers of their administrative positions at the High Heavens of a Maltech rectorate & co.
It is fair enough to say that ignoring my warning dialogue story with Pippi 19 years ago has resulted in a nightmare masonic system being established, haunting Estonia like the one described above by Vaclav Havel among other European countries now, so in order to avoid the same repeat after this warning phantom dialogue story with Tessa this time and consolidate the building blocks just described for the setup of the parallel structures in our societies as the Czech dissident and president put it, let me end this post with some pointers to success from a few other percentage players with a clear mindset and the undistorted usage of language, thus capable of establishing our presence amidst all the confusion increasingly taking ground. I got the impression that stopping the expansion of the masonic empire via bitch mode feminism let loose in Estonia was pretty easy to do in 2005, based on my preliminary experience of commenting the situation, broadcasting some preliminary advice, and getting very valuable feedback from the readers who were much more independent in their thinking and getting my point more on the fly back then, so that’s why the foreign secret services and their locally bribed minions started bullying me in Estonia, I guess. Such bullying has steadily developed into ideological persecution like being blocked from studies and professional work for not letting destroy your belief system, for example, and by now this treacherous import has clearly developed into the System of Domination in Estonia – a nightmare hijacker domination beast in our country whose inner workings have been accurately described by Mattias Desmet, Steven Newcomb and the above mentioned and despite some annoying problems with reliability, an otherwise probably suitable cooperation partner against the abuse of administrative power whose insight and the accompanying advice I gladly cite here:
Masonic extreme rationalism is the perfect choice for the vandals who want to hijack public space and is severely incompatible with the human soul, so those of us who have chosen not to let murder their soul, value common good, and aren’t needed by the gang of hijacking dominators anymore, will almost surely be persecuted in such a system at any time for whatever hypocritical fraudulent reason fabricated, there will be no end to it, and it will get worse until the Symbolic Gesture Law compatible assisted murder that hasn’t been an option so far becomes rational for someone’s Ego with the ambition to make all the decisions. Likewise is the earlier world domination beast very much alive. And there are third parties pivoting to power. In my country, for example, we have serious problems with the Zionist world travelers who try to corrupt our people and hijack our country. It is remarkable how easily it can be done, given the current deficiency of awareness of the System of Domination of the critical amount of our people, so this dominator is very dangerous, too. In addition to all these dominators we have the manipulated mass of people consisting of feminists and other useful proxies in the toolbox of those in power. In light of all this, the dual strategy mentioned above to keep all these gangs of dominators balanced in addition to the main goal of getting rid of them all as much as possible on the one hand and Mattias Desmet’s suggestion to stop worshipping rationalism on the other hand makes perfect sense today.
Regarding the problems starting with the Language of Domination, I have to add to the setup of such problems with domination again that it turns out to be an optimization problem in practice between the above mentioned parties (Freemasons, Catholics, Zionists, etc), so I recommend doing it in the percentage play manner as usual, i.e. taking into account all the major threats and not overdoing anything. De-hijacking (with respectful penalty) public space from the thieves working for the central authority back into the hands of the communities that had well earned their position would be a very good idea to start with as it would remove corruption among the officials and keep both the community-based and public sector enterprises healthy. Likewise, the hijackers of our medical systems should be removed from public space as financial terrorists obviously as all the violations of the hippocratic oath need to be rectified and the tens of millions people murdered with jabs is clearly war-level genocide. And so on. If the population is getting too large for this planet, which seems to be the main concern and pretext for the current existence of Masonry, then there definitely is a better solution than slaughtering each other secretly from power positions. How about a 2 child limit to everyone on this earth for a century so as to decisively remove any irresponsible fraudulent global pretexts for large-scale robbery planned by the gangs of hijacking dominators and the destruction of our vital ecosystems?
The current developments in Estonia are very supportive of the kind of murdering schemes that the masonic bitch mode feminists are currently trying to legalize. Of course, those who have the financial resources to move abroad can get out of the way of the colonizers by leaving their homeland and cultural environment, but it hurts to watch such a pointless mayhem. Our schools are being destroyed by officials and our families by the aggressive gay propaganda. Unprecedented taxes help make people helpless selectively on an ideological basis. The construction of a US military base is leaving people rootless in southeast Estonia. The hijacking of executive power in Estonia to the obedient hands of bribed officials makes Estonia essentially the 51th state of a very corrupt empire, not to speak about the Rail Baltica project for the robbery of our rare earths and other natural resources, and turning our picturesque nature and ecosystems with e.g. excellent groundwater resources into wasteland in the process. And the canceling movement has already hit very hard the respectful people who have public influence. I have been trying to offer resistance since 2005 already and almost got murdered. One of the key mistakes made in our country that I warned of back then was letting the foreign ideological capital (via the NGOs, as we know today) steal power from our people by bribing our elected government, so I am really happy about e.g. the Georgians not repeating the potentially fatal mistakes of my people. The guy being interviewed here seems to know a lot about how decisions like that might make a difference and what kind of future awaits the people in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and other new targets of colonization trying to neutralize the military risk from a large neighbor, so if native Americans like Steven Newcomb already familiar with the likely consequences have advice to share regarding giving away our independence to the US dominators then I would be happy to forward it to my community and people lacking the experience of someone with whom we all of a sudden seem to have a common enemy, not an ally as I so far had mistakenly believed among others:
The scamdemics for injecting fake and lethal “vaccines” is yet another example of a pretext suitable for initiating murders before the Symbolic Gesture Law compatible assisted murder phase. The robbing of the taxpayers by means of the climate change hoax, and the recent wars, for example, all seem to be a manifestation of the same kind of malevolent administrative ambitions, although exhibiting much more vulnerability to exposure when attempted to be applied to large crowds of us instead of individuals like me who can be eliminated by custom health mysteries. People like Meryl Nass, an ideologically bullied former physician from Maine, US has made a survey of the countermeasures already taken on the medical front of opposing the globalist abuse of administrative power on her visit to Estonia, which is a nice and useful way of sending crowds of people the message that they are not alone in order to encourage them to resist the abuse of our medical system in a well-informed manner.
In addition, our gangster elite wants us to be politically correct and hate the Russians. Okay, I can see that many Russians have committed lots of atrocities, including the slaughtering of the people determined to leave the Sovitet Union with sharpened engineer soldier spades in Georgia, for example, to scare the critical mass of potential followers away, raping the identities and cultures of and driving a three-digit number of the small nations on the territory of their empire under construction to extinction, the way the Russians behave abroad is often quite telling and so forth, but what is so suspicioning about all this is the amount and primitiveness of the propaganda needed to convey the message. And who are we to judge after coorchestrating the scamdemics and other mysterious attacks on our fellow people’s lungs? Why the lungs only? Are the other internal organs too easy to fix nowadays? And from the moral perspective, can the 17 million people killed this way during the 2 years of lockdowns and apartheid that we recently experienced, depriving us of our long-term commitments, professions and what not, turn our cyclopean rationalist elite into the representatives of some kind of a superior race so stupid as to see the need to castrate our own children and dumb them down to judge everyone else? To be honest, we are very different from, but not morally superior to the Russians, for example. And our bads are very different by nature, but not better, let alone decisively better than the atrocities mentioned, unfortunately.
The above described attempts to increase public awareness, by the way, is my way of blocking massive malevolence, minimizing personal trauma, and keeping the nasty souls responsible and out of the circle of ancestors where I am coming from, as far as I remember their values. If the intermediate generation or generations have decided to become soulless, it’s their choice. I am living with the opposite choice, and these choices don’t mix in practice. And after receiving already 5 years of existential support from beautiful souls in Georgia before I am healthy again, it would be just too embarrassing to return to the same situation due to stupid decisions... Situations can get complicated, but the way out follows a simple, but convincing logic in my imagination: you first recognize that you need to regret and heal, and only then are you welcome back among the souls of your ancestors. In case of families poisoned by Masonry, I feel that sometimes it is not even doable. You should never betray your ancestors who were the closest to you and helped you against the ones who weren’t in the first place. That’s how I understand a solid basis for normal soul health in my case and, unfortunately, many others.
As my last advice, but not the least to share with those truly looking for a way out, as I pointed out together with Pippi from Sweden in 2005 already after a massive online fight from my side directed right against importing bitch mode feminism to Estonia, I believe that countercanceling is still the most important practical solution for making it a world worth living in with percentage play added meanwhile for dealing with the Trojans among us this time, in addition to all the strategies to heal the world in a more pleasant, but very time-consuming spiritually meaningful way that tends to cross all practical time limits. This includes all the heartspeak robots practicing stupidity or dishonesty on the basis of disrespect for the work of other people, stirring up techno trolls out of thin air for a welcome and so on, so we’d better focus on the using our language with responsibility. We should really start working on the, say, problem groups on Venus to be sent to a far-away planet if they consistently get over the edge. It is always useful to keep in mind not to do to others what you don’t want them do to you, before they really start doing it to you, you know... During times of social crisis like the one we are currently swimming in, such practices of empathy should become our everyday duties as part of the focus of our societies, the alternative being our offspring ending up in a new kind of social stone age simply due to our bad habits having been covered up with carefully crafted BS.
As a concluding remark, I would like to thank Tessa for a very weird, but mutually enriching phantom dialogue in cyberspace over the last few months after a 19 year break from trying to restore order on Mars and Venus like this, but in a very different manner this time starting with a techno-troll scapegoating psyop and an unsubscribe from her readers list, but after keeping her honest, continuing with more reasonable although somewhat schizophrenic posts and other indirection addressing my subsequent posts that have helped this “full of shit” how-to – as a couple, say, brilliant Substack minds had figured out long before it was even published – with useful vocabulary, many very stupid as well as very wise ideas being addressed properly, and lots of personal experience to mutually eliminate BS from each other’s rants for a more solid start for everyone. I have a nudging feeling now that it is a really good idea for community leaders internationally to establish connections with each other to draw from mutually enriching experience in order to avoid costly mistakes and take the de-dominatoring challenge to a very different level or stage starting with just a few simple steps. My Substack can serve as a frigging example for the inexperienced how to make such connections. You should try to do much better, obviously. Our best efforts here have been a bit crazy, to be honest.
In conclusion, I would like to point out that we have entered an era of distortion, and obviously for me, the draft law for assisted “suicide” – or in more honest speak the Symbolic Gesture Law – currently being introduced in Estonia is an example of weaponization – much like the Language of Domination – and a means of murder based on yet another carefully crafted distortion of meaning designed for a multi-step process so that the system-aided murder of dissidents could be conveniently disguised as assisted suicide in the law after having made just the final step of this murdering scheme being prepared visible to the public eye as a seemingly needed, but deeply fraudulent symbolic gesture. In other words, assisted “suicide” is just a misleading label for the tip of the iceberg which wouldn’t be an economically viable persecution scheming without that tip of the iceberg for getting rid of the outcome of horrible tyranny.
A compulsory jab under the threat of losing one’s job was recently proved to suffice for putting most of us on the conveyor of criminal masonic “healthcare” designed to rob a selected many of us of any health that might be left in us. Scheming like that can easily render the selected uncomfortable victims eligible for the assisted “suicide” scam helpless against the system, so we are being spiritually conditioned this way to watch out and be politically correct in a rationalist system the way the Freemasons have designed it in order to maybe get less dangerous substances played into our bloodstream at the mercy of those who make decisions who gets what. It’s mind-boggling, but not unlikely at all to feel it once our societies have been swallowed by the beast, and it seems to me that the swallowing process has been planned to be operated by women, so we’d better figure out how to thwart our murder by nefarious scheming like that in particular. The following group from Norway must have sensed something similar a decade or two ago already, so thanks for an early and honest warning show of publicly smelling the rat to end this rant:
It’s time to wake up from biased feminist dreams, not let the female perpetrators commit crimes nor help cover up those initiated from the commanding positions abusing women as ideological executive tools, contain the tyrant in the mirror and start doing research with integrity (honestly and responsibly, that is), applying the results in the most reasonable order, i.e. holding the executive female “tools” strictly and decisively responsible in the first place, and presenting the results suitably for widespread public access. So my advice to the practical peasants who strive to oppose tyranny is to turn off bitch power first and then proceed to get rid of the rest of the Masonry left without their critical power source. If you play like a pusher then you’ll be butchered by the Freemasons. If you play like a banger then in the unlikely event of victory the geometrical expansionist camp is surely going to, well, screw everything up again if we can’t contain the Catholics instead of the Freemasons ourselves, and we are right back to where we started. And there are notable pathological third parties around as mentioned above who seem to need destructive power for existential purposes. As far as I can see, the percentage play strategy and the continuous careful monitoring of the situation are the reliable way out of the rather unipolar domination hell that currently strives to cancel our presence.
If I am missing anything important here then please let me know about the details in the comments. I wish you the very best of luck with the practical goal of balancing all the major totalitarian domination camps in your region as well as working on their de-dominatoring in the long run.
Many thanks for your attention and cooperation, and congratulations on growing your soul in the process!